So I'm the taking the train to work this morning . . . →[More:]
And my eyes happen on a poster from one of NYC's social service agencies.
It is a picture of a couple, man and woman, facing each other with loving, affectionate looks on their faces. A child, presumably their daughter, sits atop the man's head, and grins down at the two of them.
The text on the left reads:
"I respect the mother of my child" (with "respect" rendered in red boldface)
The text on the right:
"so that she'll have a model of how men should treat her when she's a grownup."
with a smaller note indicating that resources for fathers are available from this agency.
Now I agree with these sentiments 110% but I have to wonder -- if you haven't learned these sorts of things on your own, if you have to pick up these ideas from a poster on the train, is it maybe too little, too late?