On the 2012 Christmas, Pop Culture Gave to Me... →[More:]
(I'm spending the holidays intentionally alone and occupied with rebuilding and rebooting my little network of web-thingys. The first one to reach Beta state was my personal blog - now at OtherCraig.me - which got me into a writing frenzy... so far, mostly long-winded self-indulgent bloggery, but one 'holiday season related' idea I've been editing and rearranging and re-editing and re-rearranging ... feel free to critique and suggest other possible list entries and what I should drop to include them)
Twelve Hunger Gamers
Eleven Doctors Who-ing
Ten Ralphs a-Wrecking
Nine NASA Rovers
Eight GIFs Animated
Seven Dead-a-Walking
Six Avengers Assembling
Five Shades of Grey
Four-ty Seven Percent
Three Hobbit Parts
Two Armaged-don'ts
and a PSY Oppa Gangnam Style...