I'm going to get my eyeballs zapped →[More:]
Going in for LASIK in about an hour. I've been wanting to do this for years, did a bunch of research, read some AskMe threads, and finally pulled the trigger when I got a great break through our company benefits health fair a couple of weeks ago.
I'm going to a guy who specializes on athletes and is one of the most experienced practicioners in the country. I believe he even pioneered some of the early techniques. They just got the newest, latest-greatest badassedest machine a couple of months ago, too. Apparently the technology is just getting better and better. No actual metal tools in use anymore and the flap technology / centering, etc... is far advanced from where it was even five years ago.
I'm a bit ooky about it, but dammit, we're living in the future and even though I haven't had major issues with contact lenses, they are a minor daily pain in the ass that I'd like to do away with.
meep! hold me!