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03 October 2012

The Lipson-Shiu Corporate Type Test [More:]

So... what'd you get?
ICIG (Entrepeneur).
posted by arse_hat 03 October | 12:55
I got SLUG. :(
posted by koucha 03 October | 13:05
ILUG (Mensch)

The I LUG is that rarest of underlings: the one whom you can trust to understand what you're telling them and then rely on to get the job done. In any organisation, these are the people who actually do the work. (example: Florence Nightingale)
posted by The Whelk 03 October | 13:15
ICUE (Mad Scientist/Hacker)
posted by deborah 03 October | 16:30
ILIE (Grand Vizier)

The I LIE has probably carved a ruthless trail to the top, but left no evidence of it. At least, if you find the bodies you're in very bad trouble. Highly adept at serving their own ends, I LIEs are not people to be on the wrong side of. Here is someone who has made the system work for them (examples: Sir Humphrey, Lex Luthor).

Uh oh, I better take it again and manipulate the results so you all think I am nicer... Oh wait.
posted by rmless2 03 October | 17:33
First I was SCUG (Apologiser) then I was ICUG (Inventor). By reading the descriptions I would have guessed ILUG (Mensch).
posted by bluesapphires 03 October | 17:56
ICIE (Torturer)

A sadistic type who, rather than building an evil empire (though that may be a fringe benefit), devotes their time and considerable talents to making the world as unpleasant as possible. Often found in charge of human resources or very very large software companies.
posted by fleacircus 03 October | 18:39
I... uh...

SCIE (Natural Disaster)

The exact form of the problems that arise from the SCIE are hard to predict, since even the SCIE doesn't know. The SCIE is able to generate random acts of cruelty without effort or intention. Just stay out of their way and try to find shelter (Example: Cthulhu)

Look, I hugged a complete stranger on the street today, okay? I AM NOT A GREAT OLD ONE. (Yet.)
posted by Madamina 03 October | 20:25
ICUG (Inventor)

The ICUG is given to solitude and shoe staring. He or she loves little puzzles and is often a good source of off-the-wall, innovative ideas. Best left to their own devices with only occasional steering (example: Leonardo da Vinci)

That was fun!
posted by leesh 03 October | 21:05
As a Mensch, let me tell you your test is far too easily gamed.
posted by The Whelk 04 October | 00:53
lol I got Cthulhu too. I'm not sure it's completely inaccurate.
posted by Firas 04 October | 15:56
My coworker (office manager) got SLUG and now she is mad at me.
posted by rmless2 04 October | 16:06
Photo Friday Advance: || Very cool commercial.