A beiger shade of beige Some time back I
posted about choosing a wallpaper for my upper and lower hallways, which I plan to start work on in October. I was in love with
this wallpaper, and now that I am finally ready to order the wallpaper, I have found that it is discontinued [pauses to sob heart-rendingly before carrying on]. Since I must accept that my true love is lost forever, and find a new wallpaper, I’m dating browsing around looking for a new one, but I’m not finding one that has the same appeal.
Here’s what I liked about the old one: it was neutral but not bland which was great for the neutral hallway I want, had the “Art Nouveau gone modern” feel I’m trying to create in my 1912-built house, and was nice and light which is good for hallways that have very little natural light. Also it was relatively practical as it was scrubbable, had a straight match pattern (meaning no waste and fewer rolls to purchase), and though I thought it was so expensive at $23 a roll it turns out that was a pretty good price. I would like these qualities in whatever wallpaper I choose. My hallway, again, is to have a cream background wallpaper, with painted ivory trim, doors and stair cases, honey oak wood floors, with some touches of colour, like the red door which I plan to paint a warm rich red, and maybe a bit of red in the stair runner carpet. Here are some of the contenders:
No. 1 Not sure I like the medallion-style motif — seems a little clunky
No. 2. I rather like this one — it’s probably the closest I’ve found to the one I loved.
No. 3. I like this one, but it’s maybe too heavy looking — something more subtle might be better.
No. 4. Attractively inexpensive but really bland.
No. 5. Okay, but doesn’t grab me.
No. 6. I like it, but it seems a little too old-fashioned — what my sister might call “old lady”.
No. 7. Simple and pretty.
No. 8. Love the Art Nouveau-ish design, but this might be too pale and too brownish in tone — I need more of a yellowy cream.
No. 9. This one’s also Art Nouveau-ish, is more striking, and the colour’s maybe better.
No. 10. I like the touch of blue in this one, but do not see how I can make it work with my (planned) red front door. Also maybe it's just a little too pastel and prissy to work.
No. 11. Like the design, but it’s rather drearily brownish, or at least it looks that way on screen.
I’m going to look some more, but as things stand I believe I will invest in some samples of 2, 7, 8 and 9 and see how they look in context at Swan’s End. I'm not in love though. I really wanted to fall in love again. Sigh. Back to more browsing biege wallpaper.