Are we Canadians not to be trusted with razors? I was just doing some online shopping for a safety razor and blades, and ran into a problem when trying to checkout. Amazon wouldn't ship the products to my address. Has anyone else run into this?
I did some googling to try to figure out what was up, and all I found were some posts on message boards saying individuals had had problems mailing razors. But razors weren't in Amazon's list of products they can't ship internationally. And what the hell... I don't see the rationale for this. It's not like I can't go to a store and order all the razors I want without a background check or whatever.
In the end I ordered a razor and blades from a Canadian site, "Fendrihan: For the man of distinction".
Except in this case it's for the swan of distinction. Didn't get the model I wanted (got
this one rather than
this one), but oh well.