Ask Mecha: New cat eats weirdly. Is this normal for a cat?
→[More:] I got a new cat from the shelter. A four-year old neutered male left abandoned in his carrier in an empty apartment. (Stupid people.) Anyway, he's been home for a few days and seems pretty well-adjusted. BUT. He has a weird way of eating his expensive organic kibble. He seems to lick or pick one of the pellets up, drop it on the floor and then pick it up again to eat. I don't hear much chewing (if any) and if it isn't obvious, it is a pretty messy style of eating. I just worried that he is not eating enough this way, pellet by pellet. I have shown him some wet food, and though initially interested, he doesn't eat much of that either. Anyone seen a cat that ate that way? So weirdly inefficient!