A brilliant idea to thwart phone solicitors I want to make an iphone app that allows you to hand off a phone call off to it.
When you pick up the phone, and it's a sales person, I want to
start the applicaition When the apps running the sales call is now talking to it. The app will wait for pauses in the converstain and inject one of a
few random phrases:
- Sorry, can you repeat that?
- This is really exciting, tell me more
- What an offer!
- go on....
During this whole process it will
record and time the phone call and you can keep scores as to who stays on the line the longest. If you like you can review the call later for your amusement.
There could be a mode that slips a few random non-sequitors in there like:
- I once had a dog named Bruce
- My mother is very well, thank you
- I don't understand French
What do you think?