Three-Point Ask MeCha Special! Today only!
→[More:] Ahem, I'll start.
1. When you give blood, how do you make sure you get someone good? When I get someone good I can't feel it at all. When I get someone bad it's hurts and I bruise.
2. What should I send that's easy and not-expensive to my family members in New Hampshire for x-mess? Last year I sent
Little Miss Matched socks to the gals. This year -- lottery tickets?
3. I'm going to Christmas Eve to my aunt and uncle in Burlingame who voted "Yes" on 8 (though lobbied beforehand by me and by their friends who have a gay married daughter). I wanted to boycott but my activist friends told me that we're supposed to keep talking about this issue, keep a conversation going. I was thinking about when being asked "how are you," just saying that it was a really hard fall for me, because of Proposition 8 and its impact on my world. Any suggestions? (Not saying anything is not an option for me, but I am almost always nice.)