not-a muxtape update! I'm trying something new... the MeCha-Tape, created by making a folder on Divshare, and sending MP3s to it. It doesn't look as pretty, but you should be able to listen by
clicking here, and it should play right through the playlist. The songs this week don't have a theme, I just thought they sounded good together.
To do this yourself...
You need to create a Divshare account, if you don't have one already.
(They've never spammed me, but if you don't want to use your real address, make a fake one at Log in to Divshare, go to the Dashboard, and make a folder. Upload your MP3s (they need to be MP3s). You can rearrange the order of them by clicking the link that says "Organize this playlist." When you're done, share the link to your first song, and voila!