Teacher/Bouncer? →[More:]
So yesterday I had the privilege of breaking up a fight in my classroom. It took place during our silent reading. Apparently, the first girl, M.B., had been flicking bits of paper at the second girl, M.A., who, fed up, chucked an empty plastic Coke bottle at her, which I failed to see, because all I saw was M.B. making a bee-line for M.A.
I couldn't get to M.B. quick enough, and before I knew it, she had M.A. on the floor and was hitting and kicking her. I managed to get M.B. around the waist from behind and pulled her away from M.A. and got her to the door and out into the hall, where a school aide helped out. I outweighed her three to one, I think, so it wasn't a huge challenge, but I was still lucky she didn't turn and take a swing at me. She'd been a "challenging" student since the beginning of the year, but we'd developed a certain rapport, and I'd grown fond of her. I felt bad for M.A., however, who was completely outmatched and taken by surprise. She wasn't hurt, more shaken up, but she was in tears afterwards.
This was only the second fight I've had in my classroom in six years. I have a strict rule about not leaving one's seat without permission, and usually a sharp-toned warning shuts things down, but damn, M.B. just moved so bloody fast and didn't seem to even hear me when I called her name. Ah, well. At least no one was seriously hurt.
Technically, we're not supposed to break up fights (we're not covered for it under our insurance if we get hurt), and if it had been two equally matched guys, I might have just called for security (which I also did), but I wasn't about to let M.B. go on attacking M.A. like that. M.A. could have been really injured. The Dean smiled when she read my statement, commenting about me doing exactly what I'm not supposed to do, but she also understood. Both students are now suspended, M.B. for a longer period of time, I imagine. (School policy calls for anyone involved in a fight to be suspended, no matter who started it.)
One of my students admiringly commented to me afterwards, "Boy, miss, you can move." Oddly, they were all very well-behaved today. I'm considering moonlighting as a bouncer on weekends.
It's not all craziness, truly. We're on about our twelfth book for the year (Zora Neale Hurston's
Their Eyes Were Watching God) in my junior classes, and my seniors are taking their AP English Literature & Composition exam tomorrow. So really, this was an aberration. I guess it left me a bit shaken, too.
At least my two-day migraine is finally gone.