I really like google notebook. Im using it with a FF add-on, and it's wonderfully convenient.
For whatever reason, bookmarks have never really worked out for me; I bookmark things, and then, well - basically they're lost. Not physically, though that has happened, but just sort of lost to me because my bookmarks are all a mess, they're difficult to navigate and see what I've linked to - they just don't work well for me. Likewise, I'm just not a delicio.us person; it isn't something that integrates well for me. (or didn't - I haven't used it in a long time.)
But I'm finding google notebook super-handy, so I thought I'd mention it for any of you who are also having trouble saving, organizing and tracking your online info - especially research. You can right click on an image, or highlight text and right click, or just click on a page to save into a folder, with a minimum of bother. I like to click on an image when possible, along with text, because when I expand my notes I get a very quick visual feed of what's there. You can add your own notes to any entry.
The "open notebook" icon sits in your tray, so it's easy to access with one click, and if you go to your notebook homepage (under "tools") you can do things like apply labels and drag and drop to organize or move. You can export to google docs, and you can publish a folder as a web page.
You can also invite collaborators on a folder, so you can work with others gathering info.
Anyway, I'm finding it very useful so far, and thought I'd tip you guys in case it's something that could help you with any of your projects, etc.