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10 February 2008

Good lord. Will someone please remove Katie Couric from 60 Minutes? [More:] Following a really interesting, thoughtful interview of Barack Obama (interviewed by Steve Kroft), Hillary Clinton is interviewed by Katie Couric.

Among the hard-hitting questions: "Do you take vitamins? Do you mainline coffee??"

Followed by Hillary Clinton's favorite thirst quenchers.

Later, "Do you like Barack Obama?"

Bah. Go Barack. Go away Katie.
Jesus, really? We always 60 minutes abut 60 months late over here so I only watch it when I have insomnia, I only recall seeing her eat some magic stuff in south africa that's supposed to make you not hungry (some cactus) and I thought "wow, this feels like an ad", after that no seriousnesstaking on her.
posted by dabitch 10 February | 21:30
I watched the Obama interview, but couldn't sit through the Clinton interview. In full disclosure, I've never cared much for Couric, but damn, who thought it was a good idea to take her off mornings, she was much easier to ignore that way.
posted by King of Prontopia 10 February | 21:40
People still watch 60 Minutes?

posted by willpie 10 February | 22:14
I've never understood how she became so successful. I could see how her "perkiness" worked for morning TV back in the day, but beyond that I don't get it.
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 22:25
I just turned on this interview and it seems to be crap, but Hillary Clinton, as a person, makes me happy.
posted by occhiblu 10 February | 22:33
I feel bad for Katie Couric. The move from "smiley morning personality" to "serious newsperson" doesn't seem to be going well, and I'm not sure there's anything she can do to salvage the situation. I read an interview once that she was scared to make the big move, but one reason she did it was because she knew it would be hard and that she wanted her children to be proud of her (or something to that effect).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 10 February | 22:39
I had no idea 60 Minutes was still on TV or that Katie Couric was still working.

I learned two new things today.

Thanks pups!
posted by arse_hat 10 February | 23:46
The move from "smiley morning personality" to "serious newsperson" doesn't seem to be going well.


posted by Miko 10 February | 23:54
I have harbored a white-hot rage towards the woman ever since I saw her "interviewing" the American womens' Olympic swim team. They had some new super-duper material for their suits that was being talked up, and Katie's contribution was to ask them: "Don't you feel fat in that?"


My friends all know not to breathe the woman's name around me.
posted by thebrokedown 11 February | 03:44
I think she appeals to the same kind of person who votes for a president because they think they could enjoy sharing a beer with him. "My hairdresser Bev is chatty and personable, I bet she'd do a great job tellin' news on the teevee!".
posted by picea 11 February | 11:14
This could be sexist, but whatever they have done to her (Katie's) face (surgery, makeup, etc.) renders her hard to watch, imo. I mean, there seems to be no real person left under there, after all the work.

They did Hillary no favors by letting Couric do this interview, compared to how they did the Obama one.
posted by danf 11 February | 11:42
whatever they have done to her (Katie's) face (surgery, makeup, etc.) renders her hard to watch, imo.

I was having the same problem with her, though I think I had narrowed it down to her lipstick -- they had a bubblegum-pink lipstick on her that just clashed with her skin and made her look orange and a bit alien.
posted by occhiblu 11 February | 12:02
made her look orange and a bit alien.

She's a newscaster. She probably is an alien.
posted by jonmc 11 February | 12:11
Remember that whole Anonymous versus Scientology thing? || Stupid Airlines