Am I just a geezer? Or is it now standard practice for employers not to contact finalists letting them know someone else was hired for a job?
→[More:] I interviewed for a job back in early December, and it was the full-court-press, all-morning, do a presentation, meet lots of people kind of thing. I was told "We'll get in touch with you very soon about our decision," and then ... nothing. I refrained from noodging people, having been on search committees before and knowing how slowly they can go, especially over holidays/during term break. Today I finally e-mailed and got a reply of (basically), "Sorry, yeah, we hired someone else."
It seems to me the height of rudeness and unprofessional conduct to not even fire off a form letter or an e-mail to finalists, in such situations; but a lot of younger friends of mine are telling me that that's standard operating procedure these days. So tell me, oh bunnies who are better connected to the real world than I: have we indeed come to this? What's been your experience?