AskMeCha: Foiled Again? So I awoke from a weird dream and was thinking about conspiracy nuts and their tinfoil hats? Why do they call them 'tinfoil hats' when I can't find tinfoil at my local supermarket, only aluminum foil?
→[More:]Does aluminum foil work as well as (or better than) tinfoil for blocking out those 'thought rays', and if so, why not just call them 'aluminum foil hats'? Or is the aluminum-manufacturing business working behind the scenes to keep its product from being associated with the conspiracy nuts? And is that a real conspiracy or am
I nuts? Or is aluminum foil ineffective against 'thought rays' and a lot of conspiracy nuts are going out thinking they're protected but they're not? And if that's so, is it the 'thought rays' that are making them into conspiracy nuts in the first place? Or could it be the aluminum (which some studies have claimed was a long term cause of Alzheimer's Disease) that may have made them into conspiracy nuts in the first place? I'd just like to know.