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26 September 2007

Three point update, please. [More:]

1. Home with a cold, making chicken soup. (Stock made from a garlic rosemary roasted chicken, yum!)
2. Snuggling sleeping gliders. (Woefully neglected while TheDonF was here, poor things!)
3. Watching bad daytime TV. (Which is preferrable: court TV or The Morning Show?)
1. Cranking out work like gangbusters
2. Just put the baked rotelle in the oven to warm up
3. DaShiv goodbye dinner tonight! Yaaay Thai Food!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 26 September | 14:08
1. When the missus ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
2. The missus ain't happy.
3. Ergo, QED, etc., etc.
posted by Joe Invisible 26 September | 14:10
1. Went to a meeting this morning at the museum where I'll be starting work next Monday; simultaneously excited and horrified about how much I'm going to have to learn.
2. Playing out the string at my current job. It's kind of nice that people have stopped asking me to come to meetings.
3. Worried about the affects that all of this job-switching will have on the picture- and noise- making parts of my life.
posted by cobra! 26 September | 14:10
1. sprained wrist feeling much better
2. should do laundry, but, meh
3. about to eat a late lunch of leftover pizza
posted by desjardins 26 September | 14:10
1.Whenever you get an email that starts off "we need to talk " and summons you to a ten o'clock meeting the next morning, the mind tends to work overtime.
2. Tbankfully I am pretty sure I am in no trouble.
3. However I won't get to the gym because of said meeting. My week has filled up like a tick on a St. Bernard.
posted by bunnyfire 26 September | 14:20
1. Want
2. to
3. leave

posted by occhiblu 26 September | 14:26
1. Just back from from the farmers' market and lunch with my sister. Yay!
2. Soon, I will do my physical therapy exercises despite the heat.
3. Haircut tomorrow! Yay!
posted by Elsa 26 September | 14:28
1. What could cause occasional mild vomiting? I feel fine, I'm not preggers, it happens about once every ten days. Empty stomach, strong smells - maybe I've just developed a more sensitive vomitus reflex? It's been going on for about five months.

2. Probably terminal, see above.

3. I don't want to go to the doctor, see #2.
posted by rainbaby 26 September | 14:28
1. Get
2. to
3. leave

now! Woo!
posted by occhiblu 26 September | 14:31
What could cause occasional mild vomiting?

For awhile, I had something going on in one of my ears, and it gave me "mourning sickness" every day for months, with occasional vomiting. Antibiotics and time cleared it up.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 26 September | 14:36
What could cause occasional mild vomiting?

Stress. Parasites. Ear thingies.
posted by Specklet 26 September | 14:39
1. Counting the minutes until I leave for the Brewers game. If they win it, they'll have their first winning season in 15 years, if they lose it, they'll probably won't have a shot in hell of making the playoffs.

2. In biking to 1. I may freeze to death.

3. Work has went very very slowly today.
posted by drezdn 26 September | 14:40
1. I'm just typing random words:
2. Factotum
3. Bodacious
posted by chuckdarwin 26 September | 14:40
1: A home in the cold with a cold threatening to appear soon
2: Burning lots of new CDs
3: Starting to put lots of photos on Flickr
posted by TheDonF 26 September | 14:46
Is factotum really random? It's's word-of-the-day.
posted by mullacc 26 September | 14:46
1. Feeling crappy for about a week now
2. Wondering why we even have sinuses
3. Oliver just yawned in my face; I think something died in there
posted by deborah 26 September | 14:51
1. Finally had job interview I've been waiting a month for.

2. Kicked *ass.* Yay!

3. Now importuning the cosmos to pleasepleaseplease let me get the job. Please.
posted by kat allison 26 September | 14:52
1. I hope your wrist feels better, desjardins.
2. I hope you stop puking, rainbaby.
3. I had dinner plans in a couple weeks with my friend, let's call him Joe, and his family in a couple weeks. Recently a mutual friend, let's call her Jill, moved back to the area so I invited her and her family to join us that night. Today, I got a call from Jill that said, "Hey, I was just talking to Joe and we were thinking that instead of all coming to your house we should all book a suite together at Giant Fun Park that day!" I have a 6 month old that still gets up twice a night. And though I adore your children, they are two of the craziest, most tantrumtastic kids I have ever met. Nothing about all of us staying in a room at Giant Fun Park could possibly be fun in the least. And also, WTF? You don't respond to someone's dinner invitation by hijacking the whole thing. Dang.
posted by jrossi4r 26 September | 14:54
1. Worked from home today, so it's been quiet for me.

2. I went to the supermarket at lunchtime, but it took me ages because they've reorganised everything and even the staff didn't know where anything was. I'm used to wandering round on autopilot but every aisle was full of bewildered-looking shoppers.

3. Tomorrow is the last day I have to sit next to a guy at work who creeps me out. I had to change my eBay ID because he emailed me once when I was in the States demanding to know why I'd bought a particular item, as if it was his right to know. He's also very loud and is one of those arseholes who thinks that ever conversation that takes place in the office needs to involve him. My new desk is in a corner far away from him, and I'll be able to see him approach.
posted by essexjan 26 September | 15:05
1. Warm gorgeous day outside.
2. Surfing after work.
3. Depressed anyway- friction with best friend.
posted by small_ruminant 26 September | 15:06
1. I beat Halo 3 already?
2. I beat Halo 3 already?
3. I beat Halo 3 already?
posted by WolfDaddy 26 September | 15:14
1. Boss just came down hard on me, out of the blue. Shit rolling downhill - but still.
2. Feeling chubby and lost.
3. New Bruce album good, but has really processed production sound.
posted by Miko 26 September | 15:26
1. A week in hell just got deeper. Everything I worked on here last week and this has to be redone (not entirely, but essentially) by tomorrow morning.

2. That means I won't be able to make the Queens meetup tonight, which I was dying to go to. I think it's stress, but my eyes are bulging this way and that, my breath is coming out in short sighs, and I'm experiencing what feel like small seizures every ten minutes or so.

3. It would be nice to be able to not exist for a day or two, just not do anything or be anything. I think I'd feel pretty good when I came back.
posted by Hugh Janus 26 September | 15:28
1. Lunch. Full now.
2. In the quietude of my son's time away in Europe, all sorts of stuff is bubbling to the surface.
3. I'm having some "when worlds collide" moments on Facebook. The three pretty much discrete online and real life worlds I inhabit are all suddenly in one place.
posted by jokeefe 26 September | 15:29
1. Stressed out because it's a week to the wedding and i still dont have a dress
2. Stressed out at work because i have some big deadlines before i leave for the wedding next week
3. Stressed out because my sweetie is sick a week before the wedding...

I'm starting to see a theme here...
posted by ramix 26 September | 15:51
1. My stomach hurts & has hurt since yesterday morning. My son's stomach hurts too. Why? Is the new house poisoning us? This is the 2nd bad stomach thing we've had in 2 months.
2. Have to go see my mom tonight anyway despite stomachache.
3. In fit of mad laziness and stomachache and time crunch, have agreed to buy son new jeans at Mall Wart rather than spend 2.5 hours at laundromat.
posted by mygothlaundry 26 September | 15:53
1. Am thinking about making a chicken pot pie for dinner. Even though it will take a couple hours.

2. It's been thundering off and on for the past few hours and Binky the Wimp Dog is such a fraidy cat. THE THUNDER IS NOT GOING TO GET YOU, DOG. (He either gets under my legs OR lies at my side...which is nice but DOG I HAVE THINGS TO DO THAT REQUIRE MOVING ABOUT.)

3. It would probably be overboard to also do rolls with chicken pot pie. But that sounds extra yummy.

3b. I really need to start eating sensibly. I do great for months at a time but then I hit periods of a couple weeks where all I want is heavy, creamy, fried, yummy goodness.
posted by fluffy battle kitten 26 September | 16:05
1. Library somehow managed to lose the only book that I need to read by tomorrow morning. S'ok, librarian signed a note for my teacher. Hope it works.
2. My computer is dumb.
2b.Nobody seems to know how to fix it.
3. My cold is completely gone!
posted by CitrusFreak12 26 September | 16:09
I hate my life

I hate my life

I hate my goddamned miserable existence.

posted by SassHat 26 September | 16:16
1. I hate Shooter McGavin*. HATE! I wish he'd win the lottery and move somewhere far, far away and LEAVE ME ALONE.
3. Man, I still have a lot of work to do. If I didn't always feel this way at the end of the quarter, and if once the quarter started it always didn't really matter, I'd be completely despairing.

*Not his real name.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 26 September | 16:32
1. professional women's networking thing later tonight. hey, at least it's free wine.
2. fingernails turning purple from the cold in my frigid corner office.
3. still no word on when the hole in my condo wall will be repaired.
posted by crush-onastick 26 September | 16:41
1. The moving truck came today...
2. After one and a half weeks on an air mattress, I finally have my real bed back!
3. Unfortunately, they beat up my poor pretty bed. :( It's just cosmetic though.
posted by mullacc 26 September | 16:56
1. mild financial freakage
2. punctuated by intense financial freakage
3. temporarily soothed by beer then returning to freakage.
posted by chewatadistance 26 September | 16:56
1. I hate Verizon fios because since it was installed this morning the 360 won't connect online because the 360 gets its signal via wireless router, and fios doesn't make nice with wireless 360, and the rep told me it would work, and it doesn't and now I can't snipe anyone's ass in H3. I hate everyone who works for Verizon.

2. In less than 3 minutes I just put on fake fingernails that look deceptively real and now I can't stop staring at my hands. I'm not a fakey jake type usually, but I'm going to a wedding this weekend and right now have really gross fingernails.

3. I can't think of a 3.
posted by iconomy 26 September | 17:06
1. Was told today that dermatological meds would cost me nearly 600 dollars out-of-pocket (no insurance).

2. Am depressed about too many things (like having to pay 600 dollars for meds).

3. Eager to hear new Bruce CD Miko mentioned.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 26 September | 17:30
1. Just got an e-mail to say that my Manager is leaving - opportunity knocks, or a chance to exceed my level of incompetence?
2. Still fuming that I am the only one on my morning train who ever gives the old ladies a seat and that a schoolgirl tried to grab the seat when I stood up this morning.
3. Why are people so unkind?
posted by dg 26 September | 17:36
1. I hate children. Seriously. If I was the pied piper, I'd lead them all in front of a train. (If this job didn't have a pension and summers off...)

2. Feeling lonely. Why do all my friends eventually disappear?

3. My belly button's more of an outtie than it used to be, post-laparoscopic surgery last year. I worry it's gonna pop like a turkey timer.
posted by Pips 26 September | 17:48
1. Having a somewhat existential week.

2. Apparently I'm not the only one.

3. While I did get some small localized infection from the kitty bite, at least it's not systemic. Aside from a short fever spike yesterday (99.5 for about 10 minutes) I'm perfectly normal, or as close as I get.
posted by bmarkey 26 September | 18:13
1. Smelly
2. Tired
3. Drinking a beer.
posted by jonmc 26 September | 18:42
Man, LT, I feel your pain. My doctor gave me a prescription for a reflux drug that costs $150/mo--that's $5/pill. Ouch. I'm debating whether I should refill it or tough it out. And I have a bunch of skin drugs that are all $60 a I refilled the one that's less effective but only $10. So I can *mostly* (but not entirely) keep my skin stuck on.

1. Also debating whether or not I should go see a GI doc over the crap that's been going on for the last eight months (answer-yes, but I don't wanna).

2. Studying for the GRE. Apparently I can't do math anymore. I feel dumb.

3. Mom is sending me my French horn and a bunch of cloaks/capes so I'll be warm at the wedding. Yay!
posted by Fuzzbean 26 September | 18:44
1. It's no fun being pregnant.

2. I'd just like to stop feeling sick if I don't eat and sick if I do.

3. Have to have a wrangle at my clinic this afternoon about never wanting to see one particular doctor again.
posted by gomichild 26 September | 19:08
OMG gomi congratulations!!!
posted by Specklet 26 September | 19:23
posted by chewatadistance 26 September | 19:33
1. Am sore and aching from actually doing manual labor yesterday.
2. Irritated because I realize there is no one at work I can trust anymore.
3. Fretting about finances.
posted by deadcowdan 26 September | 20:39
1. Job interview today for a job I really want and REALLY NEED. They called me back two hours after to set up a second interview for Monday. I'm trying not to get too excited, but this would solve soooo many of my problems.

2. Had a major "I'm alone in the world" meltdown last night and the boyfriend I thought didn't care and was gonna break up with dropped everything to come hold me while I cried.

3. Please please please let me get that job.
posted by Twiggy 26 September | 20:47
1. Four days off of work. Rock.
2. Hangin' out with Elizard tomorrow. That means drinks! yay drinks.
3. Got a record player and ripping tons of music I haven't heard in forever.
posted by Zack_Replica 26 September | 21:37
Is factotum really random? It's's word-of-the-day.

Well, random in that I let google select my response. I guess we could debate the meaning of 'random'.

Here are some other random words, then:

digit predicts pulses remain independent strategies alien

posted by chuckdarwin 27 September | 06:18
1) I like some of the changes in my article and not others.
2) However others are saying it's "good" so I should just stfu!
3) I like writing articles about stuff.
posted by By the Grace of God 27 September | 06:53
4) Pips, hugs!!
posted by By the Grace of God 27 September | 06:55
1. Mucous
2. Sleep deprived
3. Profit!
posted by plinth 27 September | 07:41
1. I can has broken heart.
2. I blame this, and most of my other misfortunes, on Chocolate Rain.
3. I am a lolcat.
posted by pieisexactlythree 27 September | 13:42
Aw, hugs all around to the injured, discouraged and broken-hearted.

And congrats, gomichild!!!! I loathed pregnancy, so if you need to bitch to a sympathetic ear, my email is in my profile.
posted by jrossi4r 27 September | 14:22
Gomichild! Congrats! And it gets better - really!

Pips, I hear you.

1. Mr. V left on a business trip. Gone until Saturday. Sleep will be difficult.
2. Joking with my teenage daughter about sex. Half of me wants to laugh, half of me is cringing inside.
3. Had to call out of work due to youngest child being sick. Not a bad thing.
posted by redvixen 27 September | 14:30
Thanks kids. (^_^)

I might just do that jrossi4r. I swear if I read one more statement on a preggo site like "This joyous and wonderful time in a womans life" I am going to have to freaking kill somebody.

Where is the website for all us realistic, cynical mothers to be?
posted by gomichild 27 September | 19:54
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