While buying Halo 3.... →[More:]
When I went to the store (Target) to buy H3 this morning, I just walked over and picked one up from the endcap and went to the cashier in Electronics to pay. The lone person in in line ahead of me, a woman, was livid that I could do that, since because she had reserved a copy, she was queen of the goddamn universe.
She kept gesturing dismissively at me and referring to me as "one of the regular people" and insisting that I shouldn't be able to buy the game on the release date, because she had a RESERVED COPY, and was therefore special. The clerk tried very patiently to explain that that just meant that she was guaranteed a copy no matter what time or day she came in to buy it, whereas someone like me (one of the peons), had to take their chances and if they ran out of H3, would have to wait.
So she actually turned to the clerk and did that mouth-clamping thing with her hand that Austin Powers did when he was trying to shush his son, and she said to the clerk, "Sh sh sh shush! Stop talking. All I want to hear out of your mouth is Have A Nice Day". Leave me alone and get me a manager". After she was done complaining about how the peons shouldn't be allowed to have access to the game the day it comes out, she left and then stopped a clerk in Health and Beauty to bitch about the clerk in Electronics, and then she stopped a general store manager to bitch about him too. She was a total mindfuck. I pulled the manager aside after her royal tirade and told him what really happened so the poor guy in electronics wouldn't get chewed out for daring to sell H3 to one of the regular people.