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I can't quite understand saying that the Pill affected the decision to sleep or not sleep with anyone. No one makes that decision but me, Pill or no Pill. I don't think it has impacted my decisions about whom to sleep with at all. Now, my immature mind and confidence issues certainly did, in my 20s, but I certainly can't blame an inert birth control method for making my decisions. My brain made the decisions.
So in that sense, the Pill definitely was a true liberation, allowing women to discover and develop skills in managing other important aspects of managing our sexuality, aspects which had remained hidden while the fear of unwanted motherhood dominated women's thinking.
blame a weird concatenation of circumstances and drugs and generational angst. I think it was a brief moment in history, one of those things that my "generation" (the mini generation who are sort of between the baby boomers and Gen X, or maybe we're the early Gen Xers, whatever) are the only people in history ever to really go through. The total free for all sex period: before AIDS & after contraception & at a time when the old laws just didn't seem to apply & so on.