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04 September 2007

Rhyming 3 Point Status Report! [More:]
Stressed, Depressed, and A Mess.
posted by rainbaby 04 September | 08:39
I miss my grandbun.
I have to clean my house and that's no fun
I have to go to the gym so I won't weigh a ton.
posted by bunnyfire 04 September | 08:47
Write some Code,
Hit the Road,
Go back to my Abode.
posted by seanyboy 04 September | 08:48
1. I don't get the Mecha charter.
2. All talk of Meffy we discard, for
fear of someone playing martyr?
3. Think through things a little harder.

Just to make it rhyme
I perpetrate a crime.
I mean to ask, not tell;
Of course, I wish you well.
posted by Hugh Janus 04 September | 08:58
still barely awake
the new system didn't break
i'm craving a steak

(rhyming haiku, ladies and gentlemen)
posted by syntax 04 September | 09:04
1. Insane in the brain,
2. Insane in the membrane,
3. Plenty insane.
posted by safetyfork 04 September | 09:21
Rain, rain, go away
come again some other day
like in a couple of weeks, when I've finished painting all the exterior trim on my friend's house so he can put it on the f#@king market already.
posted by elizard 04 September | 09:58
Though you can know 'em like you taught 'em
and yer all crisp and cool as autumn
i still defy
you to even try
to ignore bugs suddenly biting your bottom.
posted by ethylene 04 September | 10:05
1) It's raining pain again which is
2) Driving me insane again and I
3) Think I've sprained my brain again
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson 04 September | 10:16
I cant do rhymes *or* haiku.

Our AC is losing it's oomph. AC docs arrive at 1pm.
I'm continuing to work on dropping some tonnage.
The weather was beautiful this weekend - there was actually oxygen and a nice breeze, and my deodorant lasted more than 15 seconds.
posted by chewatadistance 04 September | 10:17
I haven't had enough coffee to rhyme

1. went out for a few beers and some pool at the corner bar with some friends last night. good time was had.

2. good friend is single and now blowing off every friend in favor of trolling for guys at bars. It is pissing me off to no end. She is a good friend, but her behavior in terms of guys vs. friends is reprehsnsible. She's also been known to try and hook friends up with guys who are "perfect for you!" where "perfect for you" means "I thought they were lousy in bed/am not interested and want someone to distract them so I can look for something new, although they have little to nothing in common with you and you are, in fact, not their type"

3. Now mentally planning my next inkwork, which I need to have a sit down with my artist about so I can have him draw it out. (I want trad good luck symbols on my left calf, bad luck on my right). I've always wanted to get this stuff done, it's SO NICE to have both a job in a field that accepts it without a second glance and the money to do it! (although I have also learned my artist gave me something in the neighborhood of $800 off his usual rates for the last two, which I feel bad about)
posted by kellydamnit 04 September | 10:40
1. Finished a comic yesterday and it's all right.

2. Sadly, I'm running way behind on my planned defunct-band web site.

3. Phoning it in for a day and a half of work before I head out for a wedding, at which I will rock and roll all night.

and party every day
posted by cobra! 04 September | 10:45
1. Accompanied my husband to the doctor this morning, nothing left to dwell.

2. It is suspected that he was septic, but now he is perfectly well.

3. Today I'll ride my bike for an hour or so, to help alleviate the abdominal swell.
posted by LoriFLA 04 September | 10:54
1. Woke up this morning, took the dogs for a run
2. Got to work late but I'm getting stuff done
3. Dog ate my CDs but through the magic of please many kind loons are replacing my tunes.

alright, yeah, but nothing that means friends rhymes with music or tunes and, ah well, I'm not a poet and I do know it. And loon is a happy, friendly word!
posted by mygothlaundry 04 September | 10:58
1. Can't stop yawning

2. Haven't worked all morning

3. Instead of desperately trying to think of something else that rhymes appropriately, I will just say that I have iconomy's very orgasmic black bean soup for lunch today. Yum!
posted by gaspode 04 September | 11:00
laid off from my job

completely ok with that because my boss was a slob

now i have another assignment which allows me to login to metachat during the day.

and that doesn't rhyme at all but who cares?

posted by jason's_planet 04 September | 14:49
My boss got me in oodles of trouble
Before leaving on his week-long vacay
By releasing documents, on the double,
Which were, at best, a draft Rev. A.

And now to keep our clients at bay,
I frantically spin "gold" from hay.
posted by muddgirl 04 September | 15:09
It's time for the old Back To School,
Hunting for clothes that are Cool.
Hope we can get home
Without needing a loan
And wishing that we had a pool.

My boys spent the weekend with Dad.
Who was, he'll admit, once a cad.
This was the first time this year
He's laid eyes on his dears,
And the fact they don't mind makes me sad.

Took a walk in the woods in the park.
Found a path that was leafy and dark.
We felt an amorous heat,
But then we heard feet,
And voices, and so ended our lark.
posted by redvixen 04 September | 18:31
My feet hurt
my ass is sweaty
I'm gonna drink a beer
and get my brain all wetty
posted by jonmc 04 September | 18:42
No more rhyming and I mean it.

(Anybody want a peanut?)
posted by bunnyfire 05 September | 16:50
NFL Pick 'Em! || So do you agree with Miss Teen USA 2007 - (South Carolina)? .........