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19 July 2007

Three things on your to-do list [More:]*Learn the words to the Animaniacs state capitals song, in attempt to catch up my basic US geography knowledge to that of a 5th grader
*Buy new pots & pans from the restaurant supply store listed in the NY Times
*Get a spray tan before I go to FL, so I look more like a member of the (very tan) family
*find a good prosthodontist
*clean the gliders' cage
*try making melon balls frozen in vodka
posted by Specklet 19 July | 17:46
Guess which one of those isn't going to be so easy.
posted by Specklet 19 July | 17:50
*renew my passport
*wash the curtains
*eventually go for a medical checkup no! hate!
posted by taz 19 July | 17:53
Guess which one of those isn't going to be so easy.

The one where you try to freeze a 40% ethanol solution?
posted by dersins 19 July | 18:00
Sorry, wasn't clear.

1. Ball melon. (Shut up.)
2. Submerge in vodka and let soak.
3. Freeze.
4. Pour off vodka.
5. Enjoy melon, vodka, whichever.

My coworker swears by this method.
posted by Specklet 19 July | 18:05
Finish my tea.
Make supper.
Whatever happens.
posted by mischief 19 July | 18:28
*make to-do list
*lose to-do list
*do whatever I was going to do anyway
posted by bmarkey 19 July | 18:38
1. Go to Specklet's to try the melon balls, and to watch the making of them. The balls. That are of melon.

2 & 3. Nothing I can think of would really top #1.

tries to think about something else.
posted by Zack_Replica 19 July | 19:13
Spray tan?

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Pips 19 July | 19:29
Hehehe, I've always wanted to try one. I figure getting one before my vacation will be perfect (if I can manage to find the time to do it).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 19 July | 19:44
- pack clothes for fishing (salmon) trip to Terrace (we leave at 6:30 Friday morning)
- go on fishing trip to Terrace
- come home (safe and sound) from fishing trip to Terrace
posted by deborah 19 July | 23:51
Write letter to woodwork guy who didn't put enough clips in the radiator cover and didn't show up when he said he would.
Straighten up in master bedroom so I can get the window fixed.
See if there are any places in the Berkshires/VT available next month.
posted by brujita 20 July | 00:08
posted by seanyboy 20 July | 02:19
1 Stop procrastinating
2 make to-do list
3 goto 1
posted by arse_hat 20 July | 02:24
- fix my friends computer (hard drive appears to be going south)
- get my parents a new computer (7 year old Mac, dead as doornail after a power outage)
- print all the pictures from the kids computer art class I helped with last week
- get in more walks
- catch up at work after too brief vacation
- homework from last week that was due yesterday
- get moore soba noodles at the cool japanese grocery store
- eat some more of the home made spaghetti sauce my sister made for me (I have some truely great siblings)
- go see my friend and his kids for our traditional sunday breakfast because I'm lame and skipped two weeks in a row
posted by doctor_negative 20 July | 02:58
get full uk citizenship
upgrade network
record album
posted by chuckdarwin 20 July | 03:02
get full uk citizenship
upgrade network
record album
posted by chuckdarwin 20 July | 03:03
Repaint the areas of the house that are peeling
Re-restake the tomatoes
Build the playhouse
posted by plinth 20 July | 10:29
1. This
2. That
3. And the other thing.

My list is to overwhelming to think about at lunch!
posted by safetyfork 20 July | 11:41
Wow! I haven't done that one (to/too) in a long while.
posted by safetyfork 20 July | 11:41
In this thread, we will wish small_ruminant on her 2-day exam tommorow and Saturday. || Joe's Special