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06 July 2007

this why i just keep getting sucked back in [More:]

love it or hate it, you have to admit the Blue definitely has scope.

case in point: just as i was getting all pissed off, mopey and morbid about the social ramifications of this thread...

dame, bless her heart, goes and posts this one

not to trivialise the impact of the first thread AT ALL... the prepubescent-mentality threadshitting particularly grates
particularly grates

That's an anagram of this:

's particularly great

And thus do I sum up the central difficulty of Metafilter.
posted by cortex 06 July | 17:24
bingo cortex. you're right, of course.

there's a lot of stuff i think about that first post that i can't quite articulate, which i think reflects upon my status as a pretty much sheltered middle class american woman. i don't think much about feminist issues, generally, beyond taking offence to troglodytes and being alarmed at well-meaning liberal females who get militant about certain issues.

but then, where are my core values when i admit to having been jealous of the trampoline girls in the 'Man Show'... fuckitall, *I* wanna be able to bounce around on a trampoline, jiggling my goodies on TV for money like that... but then, what does that ultimately say about me and my stance on women's rights?

i know one thing for certain. it scares the living fuck out of me that by sheer accident of birth i'm living where i do, when i could just as easily have been a dowry casualty in India, or a subhuman *thing* to be used for sexual gratification by some saharan culture.

in particular, i wonder what occhiblu, scody and Miko might have to say. i hope i find out, because i'm pretty certain it'd be valuable.
posted by lonefrontranger 06 July | 17:35
*I* wanna be able to bounce around on a trampoline, jiggling my goodies on TV for money like that... but then, what does that ultimately say about me and my stance on women's rights?

that you have a sense of humor, you're comfortable with yourself and don't take yourself too seriously?

posted by jason's_planet 06 July | 20:29
I wish I had a trampoline. Not necessarily to jiggle my goodies for money; I just think it would be fun.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 06 July | 20:34
All you need to know about trampolines (trabampolines?) you can learn about here. The homage to 'Gone with the Wind' is priceless.
posted by essexjan 07 July | 03:15
in particular, i wonder what occhiblu, scody and Miko might have to say. i hope i find out, because i'm pretty certain it'd be valuable.

I've been totally avoiding the blue part of MetaFilter for months, because I got sick of those conversations there. People were so fucking nasty and clueless, which is not a combination I find endearing. So in order not to lose respect for the entirety of the human race, I just avoid that entire part of the site.

So I have nothing to say about the MeFi conversation. About the case itself, I've only seen the quick blurbs about it, and mostly I just find it hard to believe that with things like this happening, people still try to argue that women, as a class, have achieved equality.
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 12:53
drezdn's crazy business ideas #9: fandamonium || This is a narcissistic post.