Can't Trust The History Channel →[More:]
My father and I are sitting here watching a DVD-R'd episode of Mega Movers on the History Channel. We recorded this episode because it takes place in Rhode Island! Woo hoo! It's about moving a bridge up to it's final location for a new section of highway being built.
But my sense of pride slowly transformed to surprise and slight disgust as I listened to all the mistakes rack up.
The bridge is the (New) Providence River Bridge. The show keeps saying things along the lines of "Back in Providence, the move team blah blah blah." Um. No. The bridge is sitting in
Quonset, where it was built. "The Bridge will then travel 15 miles up the Providence River..." What the heck? No, it's being transported up the
Narragansett Bay. "Back in Newport..." WHAT THE HELL!? Newport is not anywhere NEAR anything involved with this project!! Why are you even mentioning it!?
This is the channel that taught me most of what I know about World War II, and they can't accurately report things happening this year? How can I possibly trust
anything they say from now on?
I've made a custom map on Google Maps to show you how far off they are.
Check it out.
I'm going to be writing them an email later today. I wonder how many similar mistakes they make in all of their other programs that people who are unfamiliar with the area would never know enough to notice.