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"You know, in my country women would ask, "'If the Taliban is gone, why do women in Afghanistan still wear the burkha?
"I'm a conservative lady," (she replied), "and it suits me. Also I feel safer in it. In fact, I insist that all my lady teachers wear the burkha in the bazaar. We don't want to give anyone an excuse to interfere with the girls' studies."
"Still, the emancipated women from the U.S. would want to know whether you feel oppressed having to look out through that little slit..."
[she replied] "We women of Afghanistan see the light through education. Not through this or that hole in a piece of cloth."
would any of you liberated, American ladies walk around downtown without anything covering your breasts?
There are also religions which have laws about male appearances (Sikhism and Rastafarianism being my two favorites). Does this complicate the analysis?Those are good examples since I've been mulling on the law versus religion, and Sikh's carry a knife (here's a pic of a swiss knife version!), except of course where it's illegal to carry knives (Sweden for example) where they instead carry a symbol of a knife. This makes sense to me.