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08 March 2007

Nipple talk [More:]We've had a few threads about nipples recently, and today I have a few questions. I was just having lunch with my team and noticed one of the female team members had quite erect nipples (yes, I notice; I like boobs, and other body parts too). It wasn't at all cold, and she's wearing a sweater, so I can't guess at what was going on with her body chemistry.

But one question is this - do women know when their nipples are hard? Like, I'm well aware of when I have an erection, but I don't think it'd be the same.

Also, despite the huge number of people who work here, I tend to see some of the same people quite often. One woman's nipples are bangin', 24/7 (or at least every time I've seen her), regardless of what she's wearing. It's way noticeable. So what's up there?

Disclaimer - I know body parts, including nipples, come in all sorts of flavors.

Is this TMI?
My guess is these.
posted by essexjan 08 March | 14:30
One woman's nipples are bangin', 24/7 (or at least every time I've seen her),

That's because she's an alien, and her nips are the antannae she uses to recieve messages from the mothership. There's probably an invasion coming. Thanks for the heads up.
posted by jonmc 08 March | 14:31
I meant in relation to the woman you were talking about whose nipples were always perky.
posted by essexjan 08 March | 14:31
There's probably an invasion coming.

I for one welcome our uber-hot erect nippled overlords.

I dunno jan, do women (professionals) really wear those to work? Maybe, I mean, I am wearing a codpiece right now.
posted by tr33hggr 08 March | 14:46
From the bodyperks site:
i bought these nipples before i went on spring break and i got more guys than anyone there. People could not stop staring at my hot nipple-baring body clad only in skimpy bikini. i made out with more guys on the dance floor than anyone else there! body perks are THE BEST INVENTION EVER!

A relationship AskMe question in the making.
posted by matthewr 08 March | 14:56
do women know when their nipples are hard?

In my experience: not always, but usually. But it's a subconscious sort of thing; I'd have to actively wonder if my nipple were hard, then check in with what my body was feeling. If I'm really cold or, er, having "naughty feelings" than I'm already aware of what's going on.

So what's up there?

She has big, perky nipples. End of story.
posted by Specklet 08 March | 14:58
do women know when their nipples are hard?

I don't always. I can't really feel it, unless it's, um, fairly extreme, and by extreme I mean a bit more than cold weather. I just assume that if it's chilly out I'm probably perky but I really don't notice it.
posted by mygothlaundry 08 March | 14:58
Strangely interesting question. Me? No, I don't always know. I also try to buy tops and underpinning that minimize this effect as best I can.
posted by rainbaby 08 March | 14:59
I always wondered if Teri Hatcher on Desperate Housewives and Jennifer Aniston on Friends would rub their nipples furiously off-camera before each take. Them things are perpetual.
posted by mike9322 08 March | 15:05
I always wondered if Teri Hatcher on Desperate Housewives and Jennifer Aniston on Friends would rub their nipples furiously off-camera before each take.

Don't be silly. The network hires fluffers to do that for them.
posted by jonmc 08 March | 15:09
Could be lots of things. Could be every woman had the same problem and she was the only one who wore an unlined bra that day...
Could be piercings, that used to happen to me a lot when I had pierced nipples. Shoot, maybe she went out for a smoke before the meeting and was still chilly.
posted by kellydamnit 08 March | 15:10
As the owner of a pair of fully non-functional male nipples, I usually notice when atmospheric conditions cause hardening. Right now, I am reclining awkwardly on my side with my laptop halfway up my chest and an open window to my back. The hot machine is keeping my left side warm but my right side is cool, and the difference in nipple status is noticeable and very slightly uncomfortable. Thank me for sharing. ;)
posted by wendell 08 March | 15:16
wendell, next to the word "TMI" in the dictionary, there is a picture of your comment.
posted by jonmc 08 March | 15:17
I don't know how you gals walk around with those things.
posted by danf 08 March | 15:52
your nipples aren't non-functional, wendell, they managed to creep me out just fine.
posted by Hellbient 08 March | 15:57
I always wondered if Teri Hatcher on Desperate Housewives and Jennifer Aniston on Friends would rub their nipples furiously off-camera before each take. Them things are perpetual.

Gossip: I heard Marc Cherry, Desperate Housewives creator, say once that they spend a ridiculous amount of money per episode blurring out nipples because some ladies don't/won't wear bras.

posted by ThePinkSuperhero 08 March | 16:15
Weird thing... My nipples used to show only when cold or excited (uhhh in the pure animalistic, carnal, sensual but deeply caring times). Now it is all the fucking time!!!! yeah, yeah, right, smartypants. whatever. I have to wear lined bras at work, otherwise it is very embarrassing...
posted by carmina 08 March | 16:18
I've gone from someone who would put bandaids over her nipples before swim class to someone who completely doesn't care if she's nippin' out.
posted by Specklet 08 March | 16:42
The network hires fluffers to do that for them.
I've seen a picture of Jennifer Lopez undergoing such a procedure, but I'm at work, and can't search for it. Any help?
posted by mrmoonpie 08 March | 16:56
Here it is, near the bottom of the page. There's a lot of other JLo nipple shots on that page btw.
posted by puke & cry 08 March | 17:00
posted by scala di seta 08 March | 17:12
Most of the time I can tell. I would think guys (thanks, wendell!) should be able to tell, too.
posted by deborah 08 March | 17:54
Well, Deborah, I know I can always tell when your nipples are perky. (Were they, in fact, perky about twenty minutes ago? Ah yes, I thought so.)
posted by Specklet 08 March | 18:10
Someone should do a version of "Steppin' Out" by Joe Jackson and call it "Nippin' Out".
posted by eekacat 08 March | 18:12
I don't what it is but sweaters and boobs go together great - like assault and battery. In college I used to routinely eat with a friend of mine and his girlfriend and we'd scope out other people for fun. There was one woman who routinely tumesced around her aureolae to the point where my friend's girlfriend was impressed. Gumdrops, she labeled them.

My nipples are disappointingly insensate. Oh well, part of the price of being a guy.
posted by plinth 08 March | 18:18
Unless I'm wearing a baggy woolly sweater, I get nipple protrusion. If I were uptight about that I'd have to wear a bra with a quarter inch of foam in it.

It's not that big an issue, though, in that I work with a bunch of geeks. Generally when they aren't hunched over their monitors they're looking at the floor. (In recognition of which I make a point of wearing interesting shoes.)
posted by tangerine 08 March | 18:27
I have this new bra that sometimes causes chafing-related nipplage. I can usually tell, subconsciously.
posted by muddgirl 08 March | 18:40
My headlights are pretty much always on. So much so, apparently, that it's long been a topic of conversation behind my back. I had no idea until one of my sisters got drunk and told me.
posted by jrossi4r 08 March | 19:12
This thread is useless without pictures.

Oh, come on, you knew someone was going to say it!
posted by dg 08 March | 19:23
Happy international women's day! Boobs are hawt!
posted by Eideteker 08 March | 22:04
I usually don't notice. The only times I do notice are when I accidentally brush my arm against one (when they're erect they're pretty sensitive, so I'll get a little tingle). This happens at my desk at work accidentally. This is probably a chesty-girl issue -- they just kind of get in the way, so it's inevitable.

When I'm just walking around at work or whatever, I rarely if ever think about my nipples for any reason, but this question gives me pause. I will probably be thinking about it all day tomorrow, so thanks for that.

It chills me that many men think girls must be horny if their nipples are erect. Just so not true. I'd like to think men don't really notice anyway but I suspect this is naive.
posted by loiseau 09 March | 00:36
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