I got shot four times in the tummy by a Scottish doctor! In one hole, she inserted a camera, in one a tiny air hose, and puffed me up as air. And in two she stuck tiny knives, and she extracted...
not safe for lunch:→[More:] ...a cyst the size of a plum, and there was HAIR inside!
(sadly, I did not think to ask what colour the hair was.)
I woke up with a drain in me, and took morphine a few times but it made me pretty sick. Also it tastes horrible! I am now on a lot of Paracetamol.
Good nurses, good at answering questions, and I had a private room with my own shitter! And my own sink and tv and stuff. I was terribly lucky. And VERY lucky to have the skilled, patient and stylish surgeon.
As essexjan warned, I've been, er, outgassing a lot.
Thanks for all your whuffles as well bunnies! I'll probably be hanging out here for a few days as moving becomes slightly less nontrivial.