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12 January 2007

i suffered through 20/20 for you [More:]

And when I waved at my TV you didn't even wave back. *shakes fist in rage*
Aww, weretable. *waves*
posted by amro 12 January | 23:20
Damn it I forgot!
posted by iconomy 12 January | 23:22
I feel okay about it, except for the contrived walking down the street part. I walk funny.
posted by amro 12 January | 23:23
Can we watch it online anywhere? Can you tell us more about the story? I can't believe I forgot! All day I was looking forward to it. Stupid...
posted by iconomy 12 January | 23:36
I didn't notice you walking funny.

But I hate it when those shows do things like that or show someone sitting on a bench looking wistfully into the distance or whatever.

I thought you sounded very intelligent, you didn't say anything awkward or stupid and handled the interview way better than most people they talk to.

And I'm a better person than iconomy because I remembered to watch! =)
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 12 January | 23:38
Someone here will probably have a digital file of it. I have a VCR and no video capture card so I couldn't do it. Maybe someone with a DVR can make it available. They need to do the entire segment though. I thought perhaps they would just show a comment or two from a bunch of people but they only talked to like three or four people and they showed little bits of amro's interview off and on through the entire segment.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 12 January | 23:40
I forgot. I suck.
posted by arse_hat 12 January | 23:46
Thanks, weretable, I appreciate the kind words. iconomy, if I find a video of it online over the next few days I'll post it. I know some people who recorded it on DVR but I don't think any of them have the knowledge or capability to get it from the DVR to somewhere else. I certainly don't. Anyway, here's the text version of the story. I only skimmed it but I don't think I'm quoted in it.
posted by amro 12 January | 23:47
i caught big chunks of it. They found the actual boy in the pictures. It turned out they were taken by his elementary school teacher, who just happened to be the "mother."

But what shocked me most?
Toni Colette is in a movie with Robin Williams.
She could probably pull it off, too.

At least you didn't have to face down the mustache of John Stossel. No way to keep a straight face in that situation.

Meanwhile, Cat Power is on.
posted by ethylene 12 January | 23:54
I must have rocks for brains because I forgot to watch also.

I just got home from seeing Men With Children. I am glad I logged on when I did. I have ABC on the West coast, so I set the Tivo to record.

posted by LoriFLA 13 January | 00:13
Crazy story! You did great, amro. Sorry about calling you out.

I can get it from tivo the dvd, if no one closer steps up.
posted by danostuporstar 13 January | 01:25
I watched. You looked great! You totally made up for having to suffer through John Stossel, and that is a major accomplishment.
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 02:04
I watched it too! You've got a cute NJ accent, amro. And you came off very well -- unlike that agent guy and Maupin. (I mean, come on, an old gay man having long, late-night phone conversations with a 14-year-old boy on the opposite coast? Creepy!)
posted by mudpuppie 13 January | 02:18
I feel like the world's biggest idiot:

I watched some of 20/20, even saw the beginning of the pertinent story. And I completely forgot you were supposed to be on. So I turned the TV off (because John Stossel was bothering me) and cooked soup instead. If I'd just hung in there for another ten minutes, I would have seen you!

Jeez I'm dumb.
posted by Specklet 13 January | 03:14
I watched late last night. I also thought you looked and sounded great. Crazy story.
posted by LoriFLA 13 January | 08:31
I watched and echo the beatiful and smart and great comments. Yay!
posted by rainbaby 13 January | 09:35
Ha, that's okay dano - I am relieved that my first Meta callout isn't for something negative.
posted by amro 13 January | 11:07
I did not watch it, but I really wish I did...I would love to be able to! Anyone will to upload a copy? Anyone?
posted by richat 13 January | 12:21
Gah, I forgot too. I'd love to see it if someone can upload a copy.
posted by deborah 13 January | 21:58
Last || This is one loving kitty!