Computer advice needed, please. Thinking of upgrading, and wondering about potential issues about motherboards and OS's.
So I finally save enough money for the Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion only to discover that my system sucks mud when running it. (Yep, defragged, updated drivers, played with settings: everything.) I'm thinking my vid card can't handle the all polys in the world, so it chunks out badly, even with all the settings turned down to nothing. Same thing happened with the F.E.A.R. demo. I could get a new vid card (currently running a GeForce FX 5700LE 128mg), maybe something with double the onboard RAM, but I'm thinking my MB might be to blame too. I'm running an Athlon 2.09 gig chip, and can't really upgrade the MB to anything better, so I'm wondering if I change out the MB to something more recent (3gig or better), how will this affect my OS? I'm running WinXP Home, SP2. Will I have to reinstall Windows? I hope not.