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24 July 2006

Kitty! OMG! Cats <3 boxes![More:]My friend Lani's cat Twinkle has both the appearence and personality of a small cow.
I somehow read that as "Cats contained within 3 Boxes." The results, while not displeasing, were surprising.
posted by muddgirl 24 July | 17:22
Actually I thought that cats are less then 3 boxes. Here's Pesto in a box:

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by eekacat 24 July | 17:31
Pesto even likes smaller,deeper boxes...

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by eekacat 24 July | 17:40
Kitties Heart Boxes
posted by pieisexactlythree 24 July | 17:41
Pesto is a very pretty kitty!
posted by pieisexactlythree 24 July | 17:42
linked above, but too awesome to pass up in context of this thread either...

{warning, internet cliche ahead}
posted by lonefrontranger 24 July | 17:45
Good one Specklet, I was searching for that one!
posted by pieisexactlythree 24 July | 18:35
Hahahah Specklet. That is so typical of cats...
posted by eekacat 24 July | 18:37
The specklet picture reminds me of this house down the street. It's on a sort of half-cul-de-sac. (The street takes a right-hand turn; this house would basically be home plate if the streets were 1st and 3rd.)

Anyway, I don't know how many cats these people have, but they all come out at dusk. I've counted as many as 12 cats lying in the driveway at one time (and there are always a few on the roof too). They just sit there and watch the world pass by, spread across their domains at what look like predetermined stations.

If I didn't like cats, it would totally creep me out.
posted by mudpuppie 24 July | 18:38
Aw crap, I somehow cutted the last sentence from that comment: Now I want to go strew a bunch of boxes around their property just to see what would happen.
posted by mudpuppie 24 July | 18:39
Pup, I think Hitchcock rejected that as a script idea, and went with a slight variation. It was later picked up and implemented quite poorly by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
posted by pieisexactlythree 24 July | 19:01
Pi -- I'm LOLing at the image they chose to represent the IMDB entry for The Birds....
posted by mudpuppie 24 July | 19:16

my roommate has a really odd sense of humour. That's Billy on top, and Bear inside the Bear-Quarium.

sorry about the crappy flash pic, there wasn't time to go get the good camera.

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by lonefrontranger 24 July | 20:22
Last I checked, Goldshclager was still cheaper. || I am eating Fris' sausage.