So I'm excited about my shitterine dinner tonight... →[More:]
Shitterine... I know, it sounds dirty, but, alas, it isn't. In yiddisha-mama terms, it simply means cooking by the seat of your pants, i.e., a little of this, a little of that, sans recipe. My oft-mentioned 90-almost-91-year-old adopted mom rarely uses a recipe, though she owns many a cookbook, and I logged a lot of hours in her kitchen.
On the menu tonight, I picked up some boneless chicken and pork (not kosher, I realize) and some peach/apricot sitrfry sauce, which I plan to mix with this chili sauce jon and I picked up in Chinatown some time back, along with chopped green and red peppers and garlic (you have to have garlic -- I think it's a commandment), and I plan to serve the whole concoction over bowtie pasta.
It'll either be delicious, or haluscious (I had a fiasco involving terryaki shark some years back). I'll let you know if we have to order out for pizza.