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19 May 2006

Long weekend! least here in Canuckistan. Bunny plans?[More:]I will celebrate the birthday of a long-dead British monarch as follows: catch up on MeCha--I miss you all! Also, birthday party for mad rollergirl friend, garden, clean the filth pit cum bomb crater that is my home, do some plant containers for my friend's deck for her birthday, watch a bazillion movies and the latest episode of Dr. Who, garden, garden, garden.

I am doing nothing but downloading about 90 pages of script into my haid to prepare for my upcoming show.

We go up June 16th, here.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 19 May | 16:03
Short weekend. Going to Portland to monkey around.
posted by matildaben 19 May | 16:04
Absolutely nothing. And nothing this evening. I'm sitting at home, half-heartedly trying to get some work done while mr. g is out all night with his colleagues at some (no spouses invited) work function. I've been housebound all day and I'm going CAH-RAZY
posted by gaspode 19 May | 16:05
BBQs and working. I might (have to) show up at work drunk...
posted by porpoise 19 May | 16:11
Client meeting (moonlighting), unpacking, cooking, bill paying, schwanky gallery opening/cocktail party, helping a friend move a futon, friend of a friend's going away party.
posted by Specklet 19 May | 16:14
I will be cooking good things while it's cool enough to use the stove, cleaning, gardening while it's not raining, up-touching and printing photos to take to a local artist's co-op, considering the idea of starting an environmentally friendly lawn care business, not-talking publicly about my about my sex life, cleaning some more, reading, watching baseball and basketball, cooking, maybe turning an awesome eucalyptus log I found, and stuff.
posted by mudpuppie 19 May | 16:20
Specklet: don't forget "dinner and/or drinks with Tilda"!
posted by matildaben 19 May | 16:21
moonbird is having a party on Sunday.

Tomorrow I have to go pick up kid from school which is going to be bad because he will almost certainly not be returning to that school (it's just the final week anyway, hell, it's not the end of the world) and the staff is going to throw 1000 fits at me (because to them it is the end of the world) and it's all going to be hairy and awful and this whole thing (unhappy child, unhappy teachers, unhappy me trying to negotiate and create something that everyone was happy with, which didn't work *at all* and finally I have decided fuck everyone else, I am going to make my boy happy although with terrible trepidation that I am just bailing him out, enabling him to avoid stuff he should face, letting his personal feelings come ahead of the community's wishes, destroying his moral fibre and eventual growth of character but again, fuck it, sometimes as the Mom I get to give in, give up, and say, you know what? He's my kid and I love him and I can't take him being so unhappy and for what when I can fix that) has been just really hard to deal with.

Sorry for derail. Gah.
posted by mygothlaundry 19 May | 16:21
Packing up the rental truck tomorrow, then skipping my law school graduation ceremony on Sunday and moving to NJ.
posted by amro 19 May | 16:22
Of course, mats! Woo! I'll have to see what happens with that client meeting...
posted by Specklet 19 May | 16:26
- Finish watching Angels in America (Finally!).
- Work on the Comic's website, now that the book is officially at the printers.
- Worry about the book that's at the printers.
- Scan and upload some potential "press kit" photos of the band, maybe take the temperature on what ones are OK by asking some Mechazens.
posted by safetyfork 19 May | 16:28
mygothlaundry, you rock! Don't apologize.
posted by safetyfork 19 May | 16:30
I have an extra long weekend since I am a third of the way through 12 days off. All I am doing is working in the garden, around the house, and playing with the puppy. Puppies are good for long weekends.
posted by eekacat 19 May | 16:39
Yes. Yes they are.

*wags tail*
posted by mudpuppie 19 May | 17:01
Catching up on TiVo, cleaning the house, organizing my digital music collection, girls' night drinking, Guitar Hero, maybe getting some ink done, maybe hooking up with the occasional object of affection. Good times all around.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 19 May | 17:10
Dang mudpuppie, you were MADE for long weekends!
posted by eekacat 19 May | 17:19
Total vegetation tonight.

Saturday: sleep late, then go downtown and spend most of the afternoon and evening listening to a new composers festival at the Seattle Symphony. After that, hopefully drink and talk 'til early morning hours.

Sunday: all day at the animal shelter helping people adopt dogs. Various dogs snuffles and slobberness involved.
posted by croctommy 19 May | 17:20
's ok mgl. :D

- Watching Harry Potter #1 and #2 movies
- coming up with some stupid registration questions that are melting my brain (cmonkey wait'll you hear the bullshit they twisted on me)
- drinking beer
-figuring shit out
posted by chewatadistance 19 May | 17:23
I'm having a few friends round on Sunday for a potluck, so Saturday I'll be buying paper plates, plastic forks and a few things for the table. Aside from that, probably lots of sleep.
posted by essexjan 19 May | 17:48
croctommy: Don't forget "feeding Tilda's cats".

I'm sooooooo needy today.
posted by matildaben 19 May | 18:06
Sunday, I'm meeting a friend to help him with his screenplay. Tomorrow, weekend grocery shopping, cleaning up a bit, making spaghetti... and cosying up and settling in to watch the wacky, wacky EUROVISIONS.
posted by taz 19 May | 18:07
Tomorrow we're driving up to Kamloops with a pukey puppy. Hopefully we'll stop in at the BIL's jewelry shop and put in an order for a Medic Alert bracelet for me (loooong overdue). Not sure what we'll do Sunday. We were going to go fishing (trout) but decided against it. Monday will be driving home with a pukey puppy and watching the season finale of 24.
posted by deborah 19 May | 18:53
And feeding Tilda's cats.

And trying to keep Rupert from killing and eating plastic bags.
posted by croctommy 19 May | 20:04
Let's was my last day of work, which should have meant I went home early but which really meant that I was there until 8 finishing up everything I couldn't do because I was busy training my half-replacement.

Then I drove home and marvelled at how nice new wipers made my car.

Then I made chicken pot pies. These are in the oven right now, and will stay there until 11p, at which point we will have dinner. I also applied for health insurance.

Tomorrow I'm getting up early to get my car detailed, then driving someplace to get some passport photos taken, then maybe going over to see my ex, then going home and starting the ferocious cleaning and throwing-out of things. Then later that night is METAFILTER MEETUP with special guest EIDETEKER!

Sunday is dinner with a friend from college and more scouring and tossing. Monday is either a cookout or candlepin bowling with all the under-30s from work. Tuesday is lunch with old professor, which makes me nervous cause I really fucked up my thesis for her. Wednesday is blissfully open, Thursday is the dentist and driving to NJ, then I don't know what else happens.
posted by Fuzzbean 19 May | 21:44
mmmmmm chicken pot piiiiiiiiie <drool>
posted by porpoise 19 May | 22:23
Here you go, porpoise. Pot pies. Practically perfect ones, mmmMMM.
posted by Fuzzbean 19 May | 23:08
Oh my, YES! to pie beads and pie blenders. I'll have to give your recipe a shot, Fuzzbean, thanks (I'm usually a quiche guy although I tend not to bake in general).
posted by porpoise 20 May | 13:23
Our pickup band played at a dance last night, I slept in, and now I'm getting ready for a day at the beach.

It's warm enough for swimsuits, and I'm putting the canoe in the water. We'll be "planking" some buffalo steaks later; there's a big bonfire potluck planned for dusk.

Tomorrow, back to gardening gardening gardening.

The ferries are packed to the neck, so no one even tries to leave here on weekends like this. Monday, there will be a giant sucking sound as the tourists all scramble to leave.
posted by reflecked 20 May | 13:36
So far today, I've cut my hair, gardened and made two big pitchers of iced tea. I'm going to the park, and the beer store, this afternoon. Tonight, I may go to the Greek-food festival. Sometime Sunday, I'll probably meet a pal for dinner and backgammon. Apart from that, I don't have any plans.
posted by box 20 May | 13:45
Crunchy-dubby-evil-instrumental Dancehall, for you. || Let's play a game