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Comment Feed:


06 May 2006

Oh, crap. I just got 'sir' over the phone from the local Chinese food joint (repeatedly), I think my eyes are bleeding, and I desperately want a cigarette that I know will kill me. This is a hangover for the ages.[More:]

Just sharing. Anyone else feel like crap this evening?
I feel good. I got a belly fulla beer and a garlic burger from Big Nicks and I'm wearing clean underwear and the Mets won. Maybe there's some kind of bicoastal karmic exchange deal going on.
posted by jonmc 06 May | 23:55
Evening hangover? What a day!

The Suns beat the Lakers (god, they looked like a mess), so not even losing my drivers license (and not realizing it till I needed to rent a car) can dampen my spirit.
posted by muddgirl 06 May | 23:58
I feel good, elizard. But I hope you don't have that cigarette. It's an insidious fucking habit, but take it 10 minutes at a time and you can kick it.
posted by Miko 07 May | 00:01
I picked up a respiratory infection from sharing j's Thursday sending a friend off who was moving to Switzerland (and I've got a zit growing just inside my right nostril <grumblemutterughgrumble>).

Been a wacky hard week starting out in the new lab, but it's looking up.
posted by porpoise 07 May | 00:02
Why aren't you on IRC young lady?
posted by porpoise 07 May | 00:03
*lights cigarette*

yes, it's as good as you remember.

*evil laugh*
posted by jonmc 07 May | 00:08
elizard, clearly you need to be IRCing. It would solve all your problems.
posted by Miko 07 May | 00:22
The Suns beat the Lakers (god, they looked like a mess)

Of course they did. The Suns are badass.
posted by mullacc 07 May | 00:28
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty rotten today too.
posted by matildaben 07 May | 00:28
Elizard, I tell this story every time I have occasion to, and I hope you've never heard it before.

Lady Bird Johnson once called me 'sir.'
posted by mudpuppie 07 May | 01:10
Hey Mighty E!

sorry you're not feeling upright.

Catch us on IRC sometime!

posted by Lipstick Thespian 07 May | 03:09
Thanks, bunnies. A belly full of Chinese food and 2 movies later, feeling much better (although I did have the cigarette and it did feel awful). Now for sweet, blissful sleeeeep. 'Night!
posted by elizard 07 May | 04:21
I believe Chinese is a very gender-neutral language (if the guy at the Chinese place was actually Chinese). A Chinese friend of mine often uses male pronouns (accidently, I suspect) when referring to his girlfriend, and it took me a while to get used to it.
posted by knave 07 May | 13:07
Well, I have a fairly deep voice already, and do get 'sir' on rare occasions. After smoking an alarming amount, as on Friday, those mistakes become more common. Your explanation makes me feel a bit better, though. Thanks, knave.
posted by elizard 07 May | 13:21
I've smoked two packs of cigarettes since Friday night. I normally smoke maybe a third of a pack a day.
I haven't been able to go three hours without crying.

And my suddenly-ex is stopping by later for the exchange of stuff left at each other's houses.

So yeah, you could say I feel like crap.
posted by kellydamnit 07 May | 16:48
*puts arm around kellydamnit*

*tries to thing of something to say to make her feel better*

posted by dg 07 May | 17:19
Thanks. I'll be fine, it's just a fresh wound right now. I'm trying to mentally convince myself not to try and talk him into giving things another chance when he comes over.
posted by kellydamnit 07 May | 17:55
That's easy - as soon as you open the door to him, kick him in the nuts, which should solve that problem. Might help you feel better, too.
posted by dg 07 May | 18:04
Oh, kellydamnit. I'm so sorry--that truly sucks. And even Chinese food can't fix it. Unless you throw it at him. But then you'd just have to clean it off the floor.

Whuffles to you, kd.
posted by elizard 07 May | 18:19
Nah, I don't want to do anything bad to him.

It just sucks to know the person you love doesn't want to be with you. Moreso that I know he still loves me, and just doesn't see a "future." And that, according to his roommates, he's been as much a wreck as me for days.
posted by kellydamnit 07 May | 19:20
posted by halonine 07 May | 21:26
Radio LT: Boovs and Breats and All Things Considered, now on in IRC! || OMG BUNNY