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04 April 2006

WTF is going on over here??? [More:]

Not only did the video images guy get laid off, but this guy from the St. Paddywhack's Day shoot got laid off, too.

*points to subject header again, and gibbers*
Uh oh. Hope y'all are OK.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 04 April | 11:24
I think I'll be fine. I'm one of the most productive people in my department.

But I think I'm going to go ahead and polish up my resume during lunch. Wouldn't hurt, you know.
posted by TrishaLynn 04 April | 11:26
UPDATE: There was the sound of shattering glass that came from behind me and to my right. Turns out the maintenance guys who have been working on the windows all week broke one in one of the offices.

This is turning out to be a very weird day.
posted by TrishaLynn 04 April | 11:34
Chuck's gone? Larry too? Shit. I have this sinking feeling about the company.

I'm going to the Bronx later, which is why I took off today.
posted by jonmc 04 April | 11:41
Bronx? Cheers!
posted by Hugh Janus 04 April | 11:57
don't worry just yet, dear trisha. There might be something else going on than what you fear. Talk to the people who are leaving. Not only to find out why but also to console them, I guess. *hugs*
posted by carmina 04 April | 12:25
I talked to Larry, but Chuck skivvied off before I could say something meaningful. Basically, I heard from S. that the company bought another company that provides what they used to do, so they were made redundant. And they're automating the cover art process, too, more than what they're already doing.

It's a bad day for us data monkeys.

Confidential to jonmc: S. is feeling a little better, but not much. This on top of whatever she was dealing with is not good.

One the plus side, she got to see Chris' pretty, pretty eyes.
posted by TrishaLynn 04 April | 12:36
That's good about S. I can only handle so many crying women at a time. I never really got to know Larry, but the few times I did talk to him, he seemed like a good guy. Chuck, I'm gonna miss. Him and Dreadlocks Steve were the two co-workers drooling over my Stax Box that I mentioned yesterday.

(You're gonna give ol' Chris a swelled ego over those peepers of his, ya know)
posted by jonmc 04 April | 12:42
I can't help it! They're so pretty! It's a crime that he wears sunglasses all the time.
posted by TrishaLynn 04 April | 12:48
All these weird developments lately. It's like one of thsoe episodes near the of a TV series run where original characters start leaving and ratings dip. If someone brings in a cute but annoying child, I simply gonna flip out.

It's a crime that he wears sunglasses all the time.

Perhaps, but those shades help him look like the bad motherfucker he is.
posted by jonmc 04 April | 12:53
*waits for a shark and a ramp to appear in the Big Boss' office*
posted by TrishaLynn 04 April | 12:59
Layoffs suck. I got laid off a few years ago and hated it. But then I got a job working for an idiot which was almost worse.
posted by fenriq 04 April | 13:03
Trish, baby, our big bosses are sharks. I remember when one of them was in the elevator talking about how he had just moved into his new apartment in Battery Park City, but he wasn't 'giving up either of the houses.' The other one (I did some research) is worth almost a billion fucking dollars. Meanwhile, for us, buying beer in bottles as opposed to cans is a luxurious indulgence. I wanted to punch him.
posted by jonmc 04 April | 13:11
It would have been a very interesting welcome to NYC if you had...
posted by TrishaLynn 04 April | 13:32
Also, I hate his fucking hat.
posted by jonmc 04 April | 13:38
Eviction || OMG!