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Comment Feed:


01 April 2006

Attention Members: You know what you need? A MeCha In Case of Emergency person (MICE).[More:]I was thinking today, what if someday, I get hit by a car (biggest fear, btw), and I'm in bad shape- how would any of you know? I mentioned this tonight in #bunnies, and gaspode admitted that this is one of her fears, too. So now we're MeCha In Case of Emergency Contacts. In case of an emergency, we can call each other, and say, hey! Tell Metachat that I was hit by a car! Here's my address so they can send flowers and chocolate.

So get MICE today! Because we want to be here for you during life's tough times.
yeah! right. I've just been hit by a TRUCK. Keep the flowers. Send extra chocolate. And ice cream. I likes Ben 'n Jerry --chocolate fudge.
Thanks, bye.

(I *heart* you people! April Fool's Day!)

p.s. And keep posting your superior mirth here.

posted by carmina 01 April | 00:29
That was a joke? That sounds like a killer idea.
posted by loquacious 01 April | 01:42
posted by Eideteker 01 April | 03:06
actually, when you die
a bunny shaped vapor emerges
from your poophole

that's all i can tell you right now
posted by ethylene 01 April | 03:23
dibs on specklet
posted by mike9322 01 April | 07:40
(umm, guys, this wasn't a joke, gaspode and I actually *did* exchange phone numbers.)
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 01 April | 09:45
I think it's a great idea. I volunteer to be anybody's MICE (mouse?) who wants one.
posted by Fuzzbean 01 April | 10:58
(yes, yes we did. No joke)
posted by gaspode 01 April | 10:59
No, it is a good idea... I think I proposed this once in a MeTa thread (or at least considered proposing it... so hard to keep track!). Dodgy has all my info, and I have his, so if I ever disappear, he ought to be able to figure out why.

In fact, it might be a good addition to the wiki.

(Not that anyone should feel pressured to do it if we do make a page, but many of us are pretty heavily invested here, and it would be kind of nice to have a reference to someone else here with rl contact info in case somebody just seems to fall off the edge of the world.)
posted by taz 01 April | 11:08
Can we hold hands with our emergency buddy on field trips?
posted by cmonkey 01 April | 11:20
mmmh! Field trips. If I kiss your emergency buddy behind the school bus, will you hold it against me?
posted by taz 01 April | 11:25
I won't mind, but my emergency buddy is the weird kid who smells like tar :(
posted by cmonkey 01 April | 11:29
Hey, that's a step up from the last one, who smelled of cheese.
posted by taz 01 April | 11:36
Dibs on Frisbee!
(fris, the wine collection is under the workbench in the garage)
posted by Triode 01 April | 12:19
I support the earlier idea of implanting subdermal microchips that contain all contact information, nicknames used, and the last 3 Radio Mecha sets the individual in question broadcast.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 01 April | 12:53
Awww, Triode, dibs right back atcha!
posted by Frisbee Girl 01 April | 12:55
I keep meaning to make a list of sites, passwords, etc. and seal it into an envelope for the mister. Then he can update y'all, my blog, etc. with what's going on. But having a MICE would be fun, too. I'm game.
posted by deborah 01 April | 12:59
Bringing down the room a bit, it really helped a lot of us out when my friend Kelly's husband updated her blog when she was being diagnosed with colon cancer and eventually died. We could follow along with the updates and during the last 24 hours, we were pretty much very well updated.

I think I'd like to have at least one or two MICEs, one on each coast, in addition to my best friend. I'm going to have to do this when I get home.
posted by TrishaLynn 01 April | 13:03
I've never really considered notifying anybody in case of injury or illness (the way I see it, you can't make me better, so it's just a bunch of worry for you and no help to me...)

But along with my will and such is a long list of people and such to notify if I actually died. Maybe someday I'll add metachat :-)
posted by I Love Tacos 01 April | 14:34
"Ok, so if I make you my emergency person, will you tell this island website i'm dead?
I made you a map."
posted by ethylene 02 April | 03:10
Leaving aside the question of whether anyone would care two hoots if I got hit by a bus, how the fuck am I going to phone someone while I am in a coma/braindead/a babbling idiot?
posted by dg 02 April | 22:14
OMG MY PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!!1 || Impending Life Changes. How do you deal?