This is a really wonderful site full of warmth, and thanks for creating it, folks. It really improves my experience of MeFi, as well. Blessings to all of you. How do I get involved in this gift exchange? I've got a few neat pieces of handmade jewelry that I'd like to pass on, and other stuff too.. I had a really good interview yesterday in which I made the interviewers laugh - more about that inside.
The interviewers were at a nonprofit agency, which - BINGO! Indeed the culture is different there, and more familiar to this American trying to get a British job. Two of them were wearing jumpers exactly the same shade of maroon, which makes me wonder if there is a CULT OF MAROONOSITY, but fortunately I have a jumper in the same colour! woo yippee.
The interview was good because I was able to communicate to them exactly what it is that I can do for them, and we actually connected - I understood their needs and they understood what I can offer. I'm much more optimistic about my chances of getting work, now. It doesn't hurt that the candidate following me was wearing jeans and a casual top, looking like a student!
Putting the final touches on The Speech, now... Edinburgh here I come!