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27 January 2006

Back in Time! [More:]

So I've been going through the boxes o'papers in preparation for moving, and I've come across some odd reminders of my past. The best is I found an envelope of printed out emails from the winter after I graduated. See, I was hanging out with and occaisionally fucking this boy I'd gone to summer school and then college with. Then, one day, I got an email from this girl who I thought was his ex. Turns out she wasn't. And he was also fucking some other girl we knew, who hated us both. I still run across the other girl sometimes and the funny thing is I pretty much forgot about this entire incident. Now I know why she's always so bitchy. The emails, though, are grade A. "Manipulative slut" is a popular epithet. The boy claims honesty and innocence way beyond what is logical.

What have you rediscovered upon moving?
Where'd you go to college, the Playboy Mansion?

(I kid)

Upon moving into one of our apartments, in a closet we found a 1930's vintage German Reader with "Bless Who Finds This," inscribed in pencil inside the cover. We left it behind in the same place we found it when we moved. Seemed like the right thing to do.

posted by jonmc 27 January | 14:53
That? Is hilarious, dame.

When I was clearing out before coming to the US, I found a couple of letters I had written my ex. He'd given them back to me thank goodness, because I wouldn't want them to get out - they were many-X rated. The funny thing is, he is the last guy you would imagine someone writing dirty letters to... he's very shy and cute and straightforward. Actually, he's kind of boring, and not so good in bed, which is why I broke up with him. I think I was tryign to turn him into something he wasn't.

Anyways, I got rid of those bad boys quick smart, because my mum is looking after a load of my stuff, and I certainly didn't want her to run into them. (I'm actually a bit worried she's going to stumble over my reasonably extensive, *ahem* erotica collection that I couldn't bear to throw away).
posted by gaspode 27 January | 14:54
Postcards from people who I've forgotten who they were.
posted by matildaben 27 January | 15:10
A few years back I was going through some letters from high school and early college, with a view toward discarding/winnowing. I came across one big pile from this young, funny, intense poet type called Eric. I remembered him well, we had had a great friendship at the time.

Well, in rereading the letters, it jumped out at me plain as day that he had been carrying a serious torch for me. He was in love. It was so easy to tell this from a 30-year-old perspective, though it completely escaped my 18-year-old self, who could not sort out his winding, cryptic, coy and elusive expressions well enough to understand what he was trying to say.

A missed opportunity, I guess. We eventually fell out of touch.
posted by Miko 27 January | 15:27
A cache of letters written by former girlfriends that I had saved simply because I didn't want some random dumpster diver to find them. Gotta burn those things one of these days.
posted by cmonkey 27 January | 15:42
That's a lovely story, miko.

My best friend just e-mailed me some pics from our college days. One of them is from play I was in freshman year. It's a scene where I'm seducing a guy and I'm onstage in my undies. If I had realized how good I looked back then, I would have dressed sluttier.
posted by jrossi4r 27 January | 15:42
I didn't find it, but me ol' ma emailed it to me a month ago or so...She was looking through some stuff.

posted by richat 27 January | 15:47
awwwww richat

posted by gaspode 27 January | 15:55
That's really sweet, richat.Hope my kid writes me a letter like that someday.
posted by jrossi4r 27 January | 15:58
Oh, richat. Too sweet.

And jrossi, when I was last at my mom's house, I saw all these pics of me, even just from college, which wasn't so long ago, and I couldn't believe how pretty I was & how ugly I thouht I was. So now whenever I feel ugly, I try to remind myself of that.
posted by dame 27 January | 15:59
richat, that's pretty sweet. My mom just forwarded me a whole bunch of letters I wrote to my grandparents waaaaaay back when. Its funny to read them now. Funny and sweet.
posted by fenriq 27 January | 16:11
Dame, I was thinking of telling you this in the "what are you wearing" thread. This also applies to anyone whose body is young and pretty. Enjoy looking at your body as much as you can now (get photos taken of it if you can), because it's not going to be young and pretty forever. I still regret never getting a decent nude picture taken when everything was much better than it is now.
posted by matildaben 27 January | 16:46
I ran across some old birthday cards, report cards, and little stories I made up as a kid. Plus a gynormous stack of printed e-mails from my ex-wife and I back when we were just dating. Nice, wistful stuff. Weird to see how involved I was in theater in grade school without really considering myself an actor then - just something fun to do away from class. Same as now only read "class" as "work".
posted by Lipstick Thespian 27 January | 17:28
That reminds me. The last time I moved, I had one of my cousins help me and he stole my atari5200. I forgot how much I despised him.
posted by puke & cry 27 January | 17:57
When we finally went to get Mrs Chewy's stuff out of the storage place after 5 years, we found a vhs tape of girls on girls nekkidness in the bottom drawer of the entertainment cabinet. Since it was being donated to Mission for God Knows What, we deftly tossed it into the garbage bag.

And very cute, richat.
posted by chewatadistance 27 January | 18:22
Dance off with your pants off! Any dance music compilations you'd like to recommend? || Radio Dodgy