artphoto by splunge
artphoto by TheophileEscargot
artphoto by Kronos_to_Earth
artphoto by ethylene





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Comment Feed:


29 September 2005

I still don't like Bunny Head. [More:]I would like to volunteer for the advisory panel that screens the next MeCha logo.

I have nothing against the artist and would gladly consider other work by him, but that current logo's just..... too...... something.....
You know, if it bothers you that much you could always disable images. (Not trying to be snarky, just trying to help.)
posted by LeeJay 29 September | 23:25
i volunteer to come up with something doohickie will find more disturbing
meanwhile, you've all been damned amusing today
posted by ethylene 29 September | 23:26
The Images Off/Images On button doesn't work with Bunny Head. And I don't want to turn off images on my browser.

And I'm not trying to be contrary, I'm just sayin'....
posted by Doohickie 29 September | 23:30
assuming you are using it... you can adblock it with firefox. i did that, simply because i liked the page better without the image.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 29 September | 23:38
I totally hate it, too.
posted by interrobang 29 September | 23:43
I would like to assassinate for the advisory panel that screens the next quonsar flash movie.
posted by danostuporstar 29 September | 23:48
I have 0% incentive to care about your problem, doohickie. Ordinarily, if someone had asked nicely, I would have been right on working out a way to skin the site, but your previous "Tripe" post was so insulting you managed to completely piss me off, which hardly ever happens, so right now trying to make you happy is just about at the very bottom of my list of things to do, right after "poke self in eye with stick".

I'm just sayin'.
posted by taz 29 September | 23:51
Anyone want a brownie? I just cooked up a batch.

They're fudgy and delicious.
posted by yhbc 29 September | 23:56
Hey hey hey, this isn't metafilter. just chill out.
posted by joelf 29 September | 23:56
i'll have a brownie!
posted by joelf 29 September | 23:56
Brownies? Sure!

...wait, are there nuts in there?
posted by bmarkey 29 September | 23:59
One brownie ----> joelf

One without nuts ----> bmarkey

I'll just leave the rest of the plate out if anyone else wants any.
posted by yhbc 30 September | 00:02
I love the zombie bunny. Every time I see it, it brings me joy.
posted by dame 30 September | 00:03
Doohickie, bunny head told me earlier today that he doesn't think much of you either, so at least your MeCha world has balance.

Seriously though, you have made your point quite clearly - you don't like it. Now let it go.

*sneaks laxative into yhbc's brownies*
posted by dg 30 September | 00:05
he hasn't said anything since post 5, so i'm guessing he's over it. good brownies.
posted by joelf 30 September | 00:07
gee, hilarious. You should be a professional comedian P_G because that was so out there and worked on so many levels.
posted by Pretty_Generic 30 September | 00:30
(imagine Patrick Stewart saying it, maybe Sean Connery. Lee Ermey?)
posted by Pretty_Generic 30 September | 00:32
If you put a gun to my head (and please don't), I'd have to admit that I preferred the previous bunny. That said (and with all due respect and gratitude to taz and dodgygeezer), I don't come here for the graphics. I'm just here for the brownies.
posted by bmarkey 30 September | 00:35
I think it's great.
posted by Pretty_Generic 30 September | 00:46
Dudes, you could put up a rotting corpse and I'd be here. It's my favourite place on the internets.
posted by gaspode 30 September | 00:51
I imagined Locutus of Borg saying it, P_G, and I found it very disturbing.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 30 September | 01:13

Take the whyte of lekes; slytte hem and shrede hem small. Take noumbles of swyne and perboyle hem in broth and wyne. Take hym vp and dresse hym, and do the leke in the broth; seeth and do the noumbles therto. Make a lyour of brede, blode, and vynegere and do therto powdour fort. Seeth oynouns, mynce hem and do therto. The self wise make of porpeys.

I have never partaken of "Bruce" nor will I ever.
posted by Tarrama 30 September | 01:21
A Hare Hashed.

Cut it out in quarters, chine it, and lay it in Clarret, mixed with three parts of water, and parboyl it, then slice the flesh in thin pieces, and lay it on your stew pan, let this be off the Body, but the legs wings, and head whole, almost cover it with some of the liquor it was boyled in, add some Butter, sliced Nutmeg, the juce of Lemon, and a little beaten Ginger, serve it upon sippets, Garnish it with Lemon, and sliced Onion.

yeah, that about sums it up
posted by ethylene 30 September | 01:23
Well I'm perplexed.
Are visuals how you judge a site? I mean, I know they are a part of the decor and such but really, I don't ever look at zombunny. I used to have a carrot playing around with my reading so I'm kind of glad it's out of my field of vision now - well, actually gone altogether.
But..what dg and gaspode said basically.

I think that you maybe need to sort out some other issues or have a break or...*shrug*..whatever it is you need to do to cope with the place decked out like this.

Make a script, learn how to make a script to make your own version.

But hay sue fokadok, it's so trivial as to be .. repetetive, annoying and really disrespectful to the mangnanimous FREE contributions from the wonderful bunnyoverlords. *salaam*

Chill. Get happy. This is happyville or a close-ish approximation of it.

You voiced your opinion. It doesn't fly. Deal.
posted by peacay 30 September | 04:30
Doohickie - you're not getting a damn thing from me. If you don't like the art you'll just have to find your own way of hiding it - Greasemonkey, Mousehole, Adblock, whatever. Look on it as a learning experience.
posted by dodgygeezer 30 September | 04:37
It's our fall bunny! Maybe when it gets hot in the summer our überstylish hostess taz will dress us in something lighter to wear next year. In the meantime, adblock that image! Nemas problemas! Besides, it's a cool bunnyhead.

.... hmm.. these brownies are giving me a tummy-ache.
posted by dabitch 30 September | 05:15
.... *and now dizzy*... what kind of brownies are these anyway? *giggles*
posted by dabitch 30 September | 06:40
//Takes brownie.

//Points Doohickie towards GreaseMonkey. When you've reskinned the site using greasemonkey, you should post your script here for other people who don't like the zombie to use.

Me. I love the new look, but what really gives me the warm munchies is the people.
posted by seanyboy 30 September | 06:53
It's not that I don't like the zombie bunny artwork, it's just that I miss the other bunny. Plus it really does look like the zbunny is standing in a pair of underwear. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

I think we should just have more bunnies, period.

BTW my husband's nickname for me is "bunny head." Seriously. Somehow I don't think I will think of that QUITE the same anymore....;-)
*sneaks a brownie when no one is looking*
posted by bunnyfire 30 September | 07:17
*still in hysterics about gaspode's comment, for some deeply disturbed reason*
posted by puddinghead 30 September | 07:34
*puts up a rotting corpse*
posted by selfnoise 30 September | 08:53
...but your previous "Tripe" post was so insulting you managed to completely piss me off, which hardly ever happens, so right now trying to make you happy is just about at the very bottom of my list of things to do, right after "poke self in eye with stick".

I'm just sayin'.

Hey hey hey, this isn't metafilter. just chill out.

Seriously though, you have made your point quite clearly - you don't like it. Now let it go.


Doohickie - you're not getting a damn thing from me.

Alright then. A new low for me. In the light of day, I'm wondering why I ever posted that last one, let alone the tripe post. One time I suppose might be excusable; creating a second post on the subject was insane on my part.

While I'm not exactly sorry I brought it up in terms of subject matter, I definitely regret the manner and frequency with which I did so. I certainly regret upsetting you, taz. I don't dare ask forgiveness; I'm just looking for a chance to hang around and try to be good and maybe sway your opinion of me toward the positive a bit. As frosted as you are, that will take some time, so I have my work cut out for me.

joelf is right; this isn't MeFi and I'm sorry to be the cause of acrimony here. My bad.

From this point forward, dg, I will try to let it go.

And dodgygeezer, believe it or not, you've already given me something. On any normal board you and taz could well have banned me by now simply for being a pain in the ass. But you didn't; you merely expressed your disapproval of and disappointment in my online behavior. And that's something in itself.

I don't judge a site by its artwork. And MeCha is one of my very favorite net places. I plan to try to hang around and be more of a positive influence. And if I comment on the artwork again, I will expect the same, well deserved, cold shoulder from our hosts. I realize they put in a lot of hard work here, and it isn't my place to pick it apart.

Now... are there any brownis left? ;- )
posted by Doohickie 30 September | 09:10
*hugs taz; carefully removes eye-poking stick from her hand*

*hugs Doohickie, too*

[because even zombie bunnies are all about the love]
posted by Hugh Janus 30 September | 09:10
I know it's bad manners to dredge this up once someone's apologized, but since this is the second time this has happened, I will.

Doohickie. Dude. What do you mean "And if I comment on the artwork again, I will expect the same, well deserved, cold shoulder from our hosts"? Can't you just *not* comment on it? I mean, can't you just not comment on it again, since you've already started two posts about it? How hard is that? We get it - you don't like it. Go back and reread the other thread - it ended with you apologizing, and general good will all around. So you waited a few days and posted basically the same damn thing all over again. I don't get it.

You're not going to find a nicer, friendlier, more fun bunch of people than here, and you're not going to find another site run by anyone more accomodating and diplomatic and lovable than dodgygeezer and taz. So please don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

*gives Doohickie the brownie with the extra pot in it*
posted by iconomy 30 September | 09:28
* deletes MeCha bookmark from Doohickie's computer *
posted by mcgraw 30 September | 09:29
*takes the tray of embellished brownies away from dabitch*
posted by iconomy 30 September | 09:42
Use firefox and adblock, I like the zombie bunny but it's jarring and now the site is nice and clean and so on and so fourth. I unadblock it every now and then for shits and giggles.

But Doohick, I feel ya. There is this PSA on the subway in New York that says it is now a felony to attack an MTA employee, just like if they were a cop. And it shows this train conductor leaning out the window of the train and he's got this big mustache and these HORRIBLE welfare giant frame glasses, and he's got this look on his face, like.. I dare ya, I dare ya to hit me. Oh how I wanted to smash his stupid fat face with a shovel, just lay into him, the prick, just take my tee-ball bat and earn his dentist 6 grand in a couple swipes, you know? The kind of face made for a fist, just fury on a scale that even me, with my bad fucking temper, I have never known. And every time I saw that ad I would just stand there seething and grinding my teeth (for real). I realized that I was being totally crazy, even for me, a person who is quite comfortable with his abberations. I got over it.

My point is that we can all be irrational about some things, our brains are so weird and fucked up. Life is no way to treat an animal. Let's put this behind us all, no one got hurt, no blood was spilled and that MTA cocksucker will live to trim his 'stache and wear the dumbest glasses ever, for at least another day.

my love to all, who wants egg nog?
posted by Divine_Wino 30 September | 09:52
*falls over while trying to snatch brownies back from iconomy, melts into a puddle of hysterical neverending giggles*
posted by dabitch 30 September | 09:52
Egg nog!!
posted by Frisbee Girl 30 September | 09:55
Go back and reread the other thread - it ended with you apologizing, and general good will all around. So you waited a few days and posted basically the same damn thing all over again. I don't get it.

I know. Weird, isn't it? I must have passive-agressive tendencies or something. But yeah, you make some excellent points in your post and I pretty much fully agree.
posted by Doohickie 30 September | 10:16

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by safetyfork 30 September | 10:57
Bunny is kewl. It's the Head part that disturbs me. I don't do well with gore, even implied gore.
posted by Doohickie 30 September | 11:09
I don't see it as implied gore...I see the bunny as a thought bubble. He's a zombie with a head full of's pretty much the perfect image for those of us addicted to mecha's brownies.

P_G: "get over it" is good advice for all mefites sometimes. (That's as nice I can make my sentiments regarding what you did.)
posted by danostuporstar 30 September | 11:55
*Squints at Bunny Head and tries to see it danostuporstar's way*
posted by Doohickie 30 September | 12:01
Haha. I get it now!

...I think....
posted by Doohickie 30 September | 12:02
Same time next week then?
posted by urbanwhaleshark 30 September | 12:13
Life is no way to treat an animal.

Excellent. I may have to borrow that. Is that an original or?
posted by peacay 30 September | 12:15
Kurt Vonnegut. He is often the pith beneath my vinegar.
posted by Divine_Wino 30 September | 12:21
Okay, doohickie - I appreciate your apology, and we'll speak of it no more.

Be aware, however, that one day in the future you will receive a call; it may be a year from now, it may 10 years from now. Your contact will use the code word "tripe" and you will be asked to perform a service, the nature of which is unknown at this time. You will follow the simple instructions you are given without fail and without question, and once that service is rendered, you may consider the account squared.
posted by taz 30 September | 12:28
Hugs Are Better Than Espionage.
posted by Hugh Janus 30 September | 12:53
Ahh...KV - I haven't read him in years. Probably should again. No wonder it seemed to ring a little bell some place far off. So it goes..
posted by peacay 30 September | 13:09
Hmm. A little late to this, and I can't bother to read the 20 comments above, so there's my caveat. And here's what I have to say. Taz and Dodgy won't say it, but I will.


Jesus, Doohickie! LET. IT. GO.

It's a real testament to the admins of this site (and its users) that you weren't run out of here after your first tantrum. Maybe you ought to focus on that -- the wonderful personality of the site -- instead of the irrelevant graphic that graces its front page. (Which I still happen to love.)

If design is what makes you enjoy or not enjoy visiting a website, maybe you ought to seek one whose design is more appealing to you. If you're coming here for the bunny pictures (inasmuch as they exist outside silly bunny picture threads), YOU'RE MISSING THE FREAKIN' POINT!

Get some perspective, dude.

That is all.
posted by mudpuppie 30 September | 14:22
Ah, okay, I see there were apologies. (Not the first time.)

Do I have to apologize now?
posted by mudpuppie 30 September | 14:30
posted by danostuporstar 30 September | 14:43
*small voice*

I come here for the bunny pictures.
posted by bunnyfire 30 September | 14:44
I come here for the human sacrifices.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 30 September | 14:57
I come here for the verbal abuse. It's really easy to get it going; I know just the right things to say.
posted by Doohickie 30 September | 15:09
I come here for the smiles.
≡ Click to see image ≡
And for the fact that nobody seems to mind egregious (HA!) inline images.
posted by Hugh Janus 30 September | 15:17
I come for the alternative therapy modalities.
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by danostuporstar 30 September | 15:29
That poor yellow tiger!
posted by Hugh Janus 30 September | 15:32
That boah has gotdamn turd on his head!
posted by Divine_Wino 30 September | 15:35
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Hugh Janus 30 September | 15:47
posted by Divine_Wino 30 September | 15:48

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by danostuporstar 30 September | 16:01
Boah is generic flabbergasted elderly southwesterner written accent for "boy"
posted by Divine_Wino 30 September | 16:11
Ah, I hear it now.
posted by danostuporstar 30 September | 16:32
Think of Foghorn Leghorn trying to say "boy".
posted by Doohickie 01 October | 10:12
LISTEN UP! || Giant ship model