Comment Feed:
I mean, really. Is this how my tax dollars are being spent? Jesus Christ.Yeah. But we've been hearing about crap like this for a long time since 9/11. Meanwhile, as someone pointed out over at Talking Points Memo, shouldn't the ability to meet the immediate, critical health and relocation needs of large numbers of refugees from a major US metropolitan area have been very near the top of the list of "Things To Do" for Homeland Security and FEMA and whomever else post-9/11?
I'm not outraged. This is your basic day-to-day stuff for the feds, like checking up on farmers who place big fertilizer orders. It's not like they really thought q. had WMD, but if they get a report that someone said they did and didn't follow it up they'd be doing a pretty shitty job. Meh.
posted by cali 01 September | 16:14