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05 August 2016
Friday question NOT from the Book of Questions Best book you've read this year?
Bearwife, did you happen to go to the outdoor showing of the American Experience episode about Boys in the Boat at the Seattle Center? My SIL went and said it was really fun. She loves the book, and thought the American Experience take didn't do it justice. It's on my list to read, but not until I work through all of my Revolutionary War books first.
No, but we taped the TV show and I am going to be watching it just as soon as I finish the book. I find it hard to believe any TV episode could do justice to this excellent book. Though I am looking forward to seeing photos of the "boys" and of Depression era Seattle.
Must add that Edward Herrmann does a fabulous job narrating in my edition.
I'm reading Cormac McCarthy's, The Road, at the moment. This woman I was taking an online writing class with trashed him and the book, so I wanted to check it out. I didn't love the movie, but, so far, I love the book. The prose is beyond gorgeous. The dark vision completely absorbing. I plan to finish it on our cruise. There's something about an apocolypse that goes well with an all-you-can-eat buffet.