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Archives for: April 2006

30 April 2006

OMG, New Orleans! So I'm back in the Big Easy this week. Anybody else going to be around?
Stop The Madness! (embedded video)Whitney Houston says drugs are for losers.
What does the colloquialism "You're too much" mean? in the context of:

A: *issues B a compliment*
B: Awwww, you're too much!
OMGWTF ? (may be NSFW)
Seattle Meetup Photos Damn, we had fun.
To die, to sleep... To sleep, perchance to dream? "New research, published in the journal Neurology, implicates the blending of sleep and awake states as a biological cause of near-death experiences". Also, a good entry on this at Damn Interesting, and another article at MedPage Today with more details of the study.
post by: taz at: 02:00 | 4 comments
I love you, Stephen Colbert. I love you and your giant titanium balls.
Flags of Freedom Neil Young streams his new unreleased album.

29 April 2006

ISO mudpuppie who surely knows this music
APRIL FOOLS! Good-bye, April. I'll miss you dearly. In other news, I am becrushed! Read more...
OMG Beaver! Viral marketing in the hotel parking lot.
Everlasting Blort is a contradiction in terms? Discuss in this, the frayed remnant of a leather elbow patch on a long forgotten tweed jacket thread.
Hey, what should I do with a CD I have two of? Read more...
Remember "helga" from those VW ads? Well, this is her myspace profile. Also some fast viral marketing thing for VW's new tuner car, on which the comments are kinda funny.
C is for Cookie -- a V for Vendetta takeoff (youtube video)
I feel small! Thanks to all the great the input in this askmefi, I finally took the plunge and switched domains. So I went from a pretty linked in chick to a linkless n00b. hold me I'm scared.Read more...
Dress Mike up! I need shoe suggestions.

28 April 2006

And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God. Have you ever made a deal with God? How'd it work out?
la la la la la la la la la la Read more...
Fans that can swivel to direct airflow in an "arc": if only you could control how many degrees that bloody arc is! I don't need the stupid thing spending half its arc blowing air into my wall, damnit! :P
So far, so good. I mentioned in IRC last night that today was going to be my first non-smoking day.Read more...
Moresukine (Moleskine)--this guy gets requests on life in Tokyo and stuff, and draws the results as little comics
BP Radio Assorted fun stuff for a gorgeous Friday evening, beginning at 7:30p Eastern.
I work with a bunch of OCD freaks. They installed a Purell dispenser outside the bathrooms in our building. Now everyone is maniacally rubbing the germs off their hands about a dozen times a day. It's in the hallway leading to and from the elevator, so everyone takes another hit as they walk by.

I'm worried that I may be required to eat the shit directly from my bosses' hands now.
Who's Hungry? "Collosal Colon Clogger Combo." 24oz burger served with a quarter pound of cheese, a quarter pound of bacon, and 2 fried eggs. Also comes with a large shake (flavor of your choice) and a small poutine.
$ 21.99 (Royale 25.74) With the Royale option, you also get a deep fried mars bar with whipped cream for dessert.
God is away on business.
A few more interesting sites. Drawings (his 'Movies' section is good), photos and jello.
Our Own Miko Waxes articulate. . .but I'll be she's rocking out listening, also. .

Any Southern California bunnies? I'm going to SoCal for my new niece's christening in the middle of June. Anyone wanna hook up?Read more...
God bless Charlie Slick. That YSI link is the final version of this demo (final version not having been officially released yet).
The heart-warming tale of an avenging synthesizer hero battling the legions of the damned undead.
Please Please! A song for Friday by the Epoxies. Enjoy.
post by: smich at: 12:09
It's such a perfect day. My morning is immeasurably improved whenever I get to walk through the dog park. Roses and birds of paradise and the Jurassic-sized impatiens that San Francisco hosts and that I'm still not used to are blooming. A five-year-old girl with killer bangs whirled dervishly and carefree outside a cafe that was blasting North African music. A tow truck driver leaned out his window and yelled, "Mornin' sweetheart!" in such a sincere non-skeevy way that I was charmed. Happy Friday.
Cryptic to-do list Give us your interpretation.
It's Friday... What color's your mood ring?
The hungry cabbie is just a new little blog so be nice to it. It's written by a cab driver in NYC about the food he eats on the job and where he finds it.
This thread looks down on the thread below it with disdain.
This thread is the last of the "this thread" meme. This thread is old and tired. Having experienced countless incarnations in thread after thread, this thread will finally enter Nirvana, free of the cycle of post and archive. This thread shall be revered as a sacred ancestor by countless generations of threads in succession, as they experience themselves in increasingly novel means and memes. The lineage is over. Long live the thread!
WTFFF* is this about?! *what the fucking fuckity fuck
someone local has a low mileage testarossa for sale Read more...
"absolutely meaningless pictures" OK
"A laser sounds boring until you hear it work." "Digital audio is awesome!" Learn more about an astonishing new innovation, the Compact Digital Audio Disc Player. Available now from SearsTM for only $589.99.
Llama! OMG! I know I've already posted one cute animal pic today, but what the hell, it's Friday and this is just peachy.
Hello, Toronto! Looks like I'll be back in the ol' hometown at the end of June. Anyone want to get together for drinks and foolishness?
When pizza delivery goes wrong What are your horrible food delivery stories?
OMG Cygnets!!! They've hatched! Six little balls of fluff, for the time being hiding under Mrs Swan's wing. Sadly mr alto has gone away for the weekend and taken his camera with him, so I have no way to bring you teh cute today.

Mr Swan is looking very proud and is not nearly so aggressive now they're hatched.
Ask Mecha: this ask me reminded me about an irritation I've had with photoshop 4 and higher. When you paste, you get a new layer. That's fine. But what if you want to paste on to a layer mask the only way to do it is to select the layer with the mask, go to 'channels', select the masks' channel, and then hide the RBG channels,. And then paste. Is there any easier way to do this?
"this is a party - no frowns allowed" Nice Friday morning tune from Teddy Thompson (son of Richard).
post by: oh pollo! at: 03:45
All psychics ought to be ground up for fish food.

27 April 2006

Flickr pr0n Wow, I'm really finding a lot of pr0n on flickr these days, since they implemented the 'contacts' thing. Find some porn, then see who the photographer lists as contacts and you're sure to find more. Read more...
ElectroVook! : A random slice of electronic goodness from Vook to Youk!
A Two 4 Thursday!! I thought I'd post a couple of songs today...not really related other than they're both kinda dreamy.Read more...
Cool magazine provides cool CD. Story inside!
Ask Mecha: HELP!!! My laptop screen has gone from horizontal to vertical and I can't f*cking fix it (i.e. zombie is laying down). HELP. WinXP Pro Dell Lat. D510. THANKEE (neck hurts)
IRC I'm hardly ever in IRC, come join me!
What is the most stupefyingly dull experience you've ever had?
GloatFilter So I went on a fitness binge this month... Results:Read more...
You're a rockstar. You have all the money and all the power. There's nothing, nothing to put the breaks on your wierdness. What do you do?
Pick something you're wearing right now. Tell a little story about it. Read more...
Bump! Me, Hugh Janus, and Pips are gonna be drinking at the legendary Remote Sports Bar (take the N/W to Ditmars, then walk down 23rd ave to 27th St and you can't miss it.) It's Ladies Night. Plus there's a pool table and they let you smoke inside. Come join us.
I've had the hiccups for a few hours. Help?
Kari Byron (of Mythbusters fame) makes art. And some of it's kinda creepy.
Volleyball anyone? Anyone at all? Is there a Toronto Bunny who would like to play volleyball on Wednesday nights for the next seven weeks? I signed up for co-ed court volleyball this spring thinking it was something new to try that might be fun. Unfortunately, I really, really hate it and can't stand the thought of playing the whole spring session. So I'm looking for a surrogate player. Visit the MetaTalk thread for more details, and email me if interested.
I read AskMeta threads like this And I'm convinced I smell bad. ::checks again::
Let's talk about sets ba-bee. Let's talk about you and me.
This is the thread for talking about MeCha CD Swapset green.
If your web-net-inter-browser supports it, I suggest you "bookmark" it.
Photo Friday Reminder!: Tomorrow, 2006-04-28: "absolutely meaningless pictures" inspired by Frisbee Girl, encouraged by Stalin. Start, um... heating up your cameras, or whatever you do.
post by: shane at: 09:11
MeCha German Speakers, please help. This picture, which appeared in the NYTimes this week, is a drawing Freud made of his structural model of the psyche.Read more...
OMG Hippies...
In honor of Matildaben's dream about me and pips around the campfire, here's a deep profound song about the drifter's life. (that always makes me smile).
Metachat campfire dream
O|\/|G! Bunnies? I think there are bunnies under all that fur?Read more...
The DNA of Literature This was linked to MeFi way back, but all the interviews are up now.

26 April 2006

Ask mefi isn't for silly hypotheticals... but METACHAT IS! Let's hear your answers. Read more...
radio weretable Just a bunch of random songs really.
Do you read more than one book at a time?
Portland OR Meetup June 3 Rose & Raindrop, 6ish.
On the way home , I stoped at a corner store for libations for the evening.Read more...
The victory will go to those who are capable of creating disorder without loving it. Read more...
Pigeons and bird flu. There are a lot of pigeons that live outside my room. Am I nuts to think that these are a possible vector for avian flu and should be addressed somehow? If so, how? The college tried to remove them earlier by putting spikes up, so they just moved a few inches away to where there weren't spikes. Duh!
Blinding flash of the obvious. So, I was thinking about metachat, and the obsession with bunnies, and I was thinking that the over-exuberance we applied to all things fluffy was done by some people (e.g. me) in an (start fingermarks here) "ironic" way. Read more...
Hey! Some bunny in Noo Yawk done sent me a copy of Cornelius' Fantasma. I can't match the meatspace name to a mecha one, but thank you muchly whichever it was!
I sip from the Trough of Disillusionment.
This Thread Is Not An Analysis of Power Structure and Racial Tension in ‘Backdoor Sluts 5: A True Story’
Four Hours Of Awesome! On Radio Mecha for all you kids that can't stay up for my late sets. Let's liven up the afternoon.
Why is it so quiet today? Are people actually (gasp) working?
Good books to read aloud. Mrs.Tacos and I have developed a totally sappy habit of reading to each other in bed. Any suggestions for good material?Read more...
Rabbit Rebound Bounce the bunnies into the flowerpot. Brought to you by the folks at P&O Ferries, who are owned by the folks at Dubai Ports. Yes, them.
Well, I'm home.
I finally got my courage up and posted, for the first time in a long time.
MetaChat Dream Shoutout
Kearny New Jersey So as not to derail the ladder of oppression thread any more than was already done, I post my question here. Read more...
Describe the one that got away. I used this as a conversation on, but I liked it so much that I thought I'd bring it to a wider audience and see what poignant stories of regret and near misses lurk in your little rapidly beating bunny hearts.Read more...
Ask MeFi post on working in the US? Anyone remember an askme post on jobs that aren't summer camp for UK gap year people?Read more...
Publishing industry mechas, is it normal for books to have so many different covers? (And why do I only own the boring Burroughs covers?)
[Via Hugo Strikes back!, but utlimately via BibliOdyssey]
Ask Mecha (urgent-ish) I need to know where Thunderbird stores its data. Read more...
Aussie Viewers. Tune to SBS. 24 Hour Party People. 'nuff said.
The ladder of oppression. So I've been trying to block this out of memory, but I just have to share. I've been taking a psych class at the community college, hoping to boost my grad school applications once I get to that point. Read more...
Live (mostly) eagles. The animals, not the band.

25 April 2006

Birthday Radio Vook - Now Doing It's Thing on a Winamp Near You!
Tonight - The Raspberries It was gorgeous this evening! This was the perfect song for driving around with the windows open and the stereo cranked!
Metachat, hope me. I have to set up SPF on my email and it's scary... Read more...
These boobs start looking like eyes after awhile (NSFW). (via AskMe)
Ellen Kooi Photography
Radio Moonbird: Music for packing up the house I Random sounds as I perouse the closets, dressers and drawers on the first official night of boxing and chucking.
Bright Summer Day '68 by Curved Air, one of those bands that I'm vaguely surprised that I like, but oh I do.
Come join me in IRC!
This is why I love watching hockey. [After clicking on the link, click on "Launch Motion Player Now" at the bottom. It will play an ad (you can skip it by hitting the Skip (">>|") to the right of "Guide"), then highlights of a hockey game.] Just after halfway through the clip, in the Overtime segment, comes perhaps the hardest (clean) check I've ever seen. Keep watching, they'll show it again in slow-mo and another view for good measure. It looks like the guy's entire nervous system goes through a system reboot in the seconds afterwards.
Has anyone here ever worn prescription swim goggles?
Multiple radial lucencies.
NSFW, but is it porn? This blows my mind.
A 97-degree drop This new roller coaster has a 115-foot drop that's beyond vertical... you go over the top, and then a little further over, and then plummet. Read more...
describe yourself in song titles yeah so its one of those myspace bulletin forwards. So what, it's fun and kills time.

- Put your music player on shuffle.
- Press forward for each question.
- Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don't make sense.
Lipstick Thespian, it's your birthday! May your lipstick be never-ending! *does the it's your birthday dance*
This thread is drunk at the office... Dear MetaChat, I am drunk. At work. Our company got the funding we so desired, and they had champagne. At 5'2" and 113lbs, on a lunch of potato salad, I am a bit on the drunk side. How's Your day going?

(Feel free to mock openly and heap shame upon me.)
2 WinXP pro questions.
I like the cut of your jib.
A madman is holding my bunnies hostage. He says that he'll let them go if I direct him to the best gelato and sorbetto in Manhattan.
I had never heard of Mr. Blobby until this morning. He's a horrifying clown-blob that was on some sort of British sketch comedy show. [Google Video link; horrifying]
So, What Next?
Anatomy of a camel-toe. SFW. Yeah, I said SFW, and what of it?Read more...
Listening to the song "Escape" is the equivalent of getting a personal two-hour life-coaching session by Tony Robbins and then smoking PCP.
This trhead is ass dumb as it wants 2B...
An Introspective Thread: When Did You Become an Adult? Big question, and maybe phrased in a silly manner. But I'm curious. When did you look to the right and to the left and realize: I am grown up? (Assuming you have).
Windows help? Outlook is hiding, and I don't know why. The window (when not maximized) seems to be hiding up in the corner of my desktop where I can't see it. I'm trying various right-click functions like "Move" and "Size," but they just stick my cursor up into that corner and I'm not sure what to do after that -- click and drag doesn't seem to be doing anything. Help? Read more...
This thread is looking for sarah connor
Total "OMG, Yay"-ness! I just passed a final clinical exam with ease, which puts me in the homestretch of my first year of nursing school. What are some of your little (or not so little) victories?
This thread is tired of being compared to other threads.
So you probably heard about the latest indignity to possibly be visited on airline passengers. But I got to thinking, above and to the sides there's still a lot of NRGV (non revenue generating volume), wouldn't something like this be more economical?
This thread's a bonfire... What would you like to burn today?
Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits Let's do it all day long.
Code monkey not crazy, just proud. Code monkey like you (a lot).
BOYS ARE DUMB! Except for...
How often do you feel like your perception of the world is significantly different from everyone else's? Does anyone not feel this way?
This thread has three short questions/requests lurking inside it. Three questions or requests from you could hole up here too. Answers could join them all, making for a happy, happy family.Read more...
Today made me sad because I went to my first ANZAC service ever. This is sad enough (that I have waited this many years to do so, that is), but the service and the part where the names of the residents in the local area who were killed at Gallipoli really got to me. I must confess that a small tear escaped my eye (but I don't think anyone noticed, so it's OK). To think of such an incredible waste of young lives at a time when our country could so ill afford to lose them was almost more than I could bear.

There's no point to this, I just wanted to share.
post by: dg at: 05:54 | 14 comments
What have you done naked? An informal survey of musicians in the pub revealed that 100% of the female cellists present had tried playing their cellos naked. I work from home, and sometimes lose the clothes if it is hot...
What's it like to be a zookeeper? Fascinating and informative Something Awful Ask/Tell forum thread from a zookeeper who works primarily with great apes.
The damn flickr intrestingness formula is pissing me off Three people tagged some of their photos as 'veishea', after a local holiday. Anyway, mine appear near the bottom of the list when sorted by 'interestingness' even though the other pictures are mostly just foreground-only flash shots that wouldn't be interesting to anyone who didn't know the people.Read more...
In my neighborhood: Greek beekeeper saves motorists. (No word on whether he used the help of beedogs to subdue the winged terrorists.) In other news, Condoleezza Rice arrives in Athens today, and it ain't gonna be pretty:Read more...
post by: taz at: 01:33 | 2 comments

24 April 2006

Great resource for public radio from around the world. I found this last night and from it found several new stations I really like.
Hell-Tee-Bient Radio Going on Now in IRC!
Who wants to do me a favor? I need someone with some Photoshop skills. Or someone who can point me in the right direction of how to do this.Read more...
Public Advisory: Please don't ghost ride da whip.
(His Majesty) Frank Zappa digs chicks of all religions
Your gracious Radio host this evening: Mudpuppie. Listen or live in regret!
YAY! So I just got back from doing my yearly presentation to the institutional committee that's in charge of funding my research. It went really well. I was complimented a lot. Yay!Read more...
Ask MeCha: overdone brownies
Mats' Fender Bender First off, I'm fine. My car is fine. I just wanted to let you guys know what happened with my car since a few people already know via IRC/text message and I mentioned it in the Google thread. Read more...
So who thinks Meadow will marry Finn?
What was your most recent Google (or other) Search?
Arrrrrgh! Spent way too long figuring this out. Although the blame is mine, I'd like to take a moment to thank Microsoft's compiler for not wasting my time warning me about statements that have no possible effect.
Someone is writing bad cheques in my name and it's making me angry Read more...
Ask Mecha: Compact digital cameras I half-want to get a new digital camera, but I'm paralyzed by indecision, and largely because I've been having trouble finding good information about durability/build quality/indestructibleness.Read more...
post by: box at: 15:21 | 7 comments
This is a 'your website sucks' thread
Dog and cat OMG! 'Caught in the storm'.
This is a run-on thread because I have way too much to do before leaving town and I don't have the motivation to do it and I have lots of errands to run but it's going to be raining and I don't feel like getting wet plus I can't figure out where the goddamned cat is peeing but I can smell it (and I know for a fact he peed in my suitcase, the little shit) and also my tummy feels icky but I'm excited about seeing Portland and Seattle people in a few days. Yay.
some songs for no reason
I feel really horrible right now. Aaaaaaaugh.
I ain't your goddamned sonuvabitch... some beautifully exultant aggrro to get you through your day.
Wussup Sistren & Bredren? Just sayin' hello.
That's all.
This thread is long overdue.
i miss melissamay...i hope she is well anyone else?
Bunny! OMG! What is it licking?
JFKfilter Leaving NYC early July 5. Need suggestions on a motel/hotel by JFK that we can crash at, assuming we survive a couple weeks in the city, having gorged on cheap tapas and delivery avocado sandwichs.Read more...
I'm getting siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick So be nice to me.
Big Beautiful Thread This thread doesn't apologize for its size!
Post your Social Security Number here.
How's your handwriting?
This thread is Bound for Glory...this thread....
This thread is not stalking you... really, it's not
Biofuel! was one of the stops we made over the weekend on a local organic farm tour. Read more...
What's your credit card number? Also expiry date, and the three digit security code on the back near your signature... actually, it would be easiest if you just scanned the front and back and posted it. It's um, for a school project.
This thread didn't know, until this day, that it was Barzini all along.
Important Safety Reminder: Dear friends, this is just a reminder to use a bit of caution when revealing personal details on the site. Even though metachat seems like a fairly closed community, it's just as open as the rest of the internet and here, as there, you need to be careful about sharing any information that allows people to easily locate you, spoof your ID, harrass you by publishing personal anecdotes elsewhere, or cause trouble with your family or employer. If you use a webwide handle on here, people who bear you a grudge on another site may be tracking your comments here; additionally, if you get too intimate in the details that you share here, you may attract unwanted attention based on that. So, please, for bunny's sake, have fun - but be safe, and have a care.
Bah, Linux is not ready for the desktop
A nice game for masochists. If you were a fan of Reflections (or Aargon) you'll probably like this one, too. Also, you're a sick puppy - but you knew that.
post by: taz at: 07:19 | 3 comments
OMG! Bunny! Good mornin' bunnies!
Cyclone Update. Well, it looks like I am going to be hit in about 24 hours time, but the storm might have reduced to a category 3 by then, having crossed land. Read more...
mike9322 is a super awesome dude. saf and I just got home a bit ago from our miniscule meetup with mike9322. It was brief (dinner then a few drinks) and I forgot to grab my regular camera on the way out the door, but here are a few phone pix. We had a a really good time:)

23 April 2006

I've never had a jet-ski lesson in my life. But I'm thinking about taking it up.
Time to fuckin' RAWK! Listen up or miss out, bitchez.
Sometimes, life is a pretty sweet fruit. This is not a shouting thread. Read more...
This thread is sick of being hated on just because it's beautiful Read more...
I was on vacation
Lost Beer Garden Meetup Photos Appear! 10 new photos at the end of the set, including never before seen shoutouts.
You're something like a phenomena [sic] I offer this song in honor of cmonkey, sponsored by the number 7. (Or is that 8? I lost count.)
The Evolution of the NetFlix Envelope -- The key to Netflix's lean operations is its lightweight, versatile mailer. Here's how 7 years of tweaking paid off.
Is Everything Just Commerce? Discuss.
be a Junior Lucky Bastard! how cool! (i found it while looking for exhibits on in may in tokyo)

they'll pay you to travel and blog about it and stuff.
YouTube Music Roundup. I've recently been looking up loads of music stuff on YouTube and I thought I'd share a few highlights.Read more...
Answer The Phone, Dummy!
Gilbert Gottfried? MySpace Tom?? Brad Pitt??? Magazine ranks top 100 unsexy males.
Web 2.1: Server-side [blink] implementation. Curse you Metachat for disabling the blink tag.
Okay, I'm Done. Seriously.

22 April 2006

♫ Lonely, Rainy Night Radio ♬ Oh, c'mon, it's not like you were using it!
I am now bona fide. I took my spin certification class today-while I still have a final test to take in six months, I am now able to teach....w00t woot, y'all!
Hedgehog! OMG! Begging for a caption.
Plagerism on threadless Intresting. Reminds me of the mefi detective squad.
The city of my birth and current residence, Albuquerque, New Mexico, becomes 300 years old tomorrow. Also tomorrow, the annual St. John's College vs. US Naval Academy croquet match will be held. The middies actually managed a win last year—hopefully this year's johnnie team will put an end to that nonsense.
So I moved to Darwin two days ago, and now there's a friggin category 5 cyclone headed for me. Look into the eye of the storm.
amberglow in Tokyo? there are good fares, but can i do it cheap? anyone been? (have airfare reservation on hold til monday night for a week in May)
Bad Mimosas I was going to clean. I was going to work. But a pitcher of mimosas at brunch thought otherwise. ::rubs eyes:: How's your Saturday going, MeChas?
Who taught you how to fuck and how'd they do it? Some people just "know what to do" in bed where others just don't. I have always wondered where they must have learned and how. I don't think I'm a very good teacher, and evidence suggests there are some amazing teachers out there. Ever been with someone who taught you a lot? Could you describe the experience and their technique?
Memes explained! This thread has a posse.
Songs for Saturday House of Bamboo, as requested by Eideteker. Also, Good Guys, Bad Guys. Now add more, please!
Me & Pips have just purchased 2 tickets to see my beloved Bell Rays at Joe's Pub on Laffayette Street on June 11th. (here's "Street Corner" for a tatse of their MC5 meets Aretha sound). Anyone wanna join us?
A few of you know of my mini-crush
Look at me! Yesterday I was part of the mid-term exam comission for the 4th semester workshop at the architecture school where I teach/get my masters. It's a major power trip, having all these young, bright people hanging on your every word and gesture, desperate for approval and terrified of your scorn.
It made me forget my Buddha nature and crave petty, vain, adrenaline rushes. Where do you get your power-highs?
Bunny! OMFG! Be afwaid ... be vewy afwaid ...
MeFi/MeCha Girls' Night is a success! So some of us NYC girls got together for a girls' night of tapas and dancing...Read more...
I'm bored.
Weekend, Glorious Weekend! What're your plans?
And cheers to you! Should I be posting this?! Well, I am. Please drink sensibly. Do we have a venue for upcoming meetups?
post by: carmina at: 00:18

21 April 2006

Paolo Ventura photos, wartime, dolls
What are you eating? I'm eating fake-ass vindaloo and drinking something cucumbery and generally feeling British.
And the Date for Bunnystock IS: AUGUST 4, 5 & 6 By imperial decree, buy your tickets, that is that. Read more...
Paging Capn. A few additions to your list of bad pick-up lines.
BoringPostcards' Motown Throwdown Coming up at 9pm Eastern. Put on your dancing shoes and come on down.
Kim Addonizio (poet) on being rejected as a writer. (See March the 23rd in the blog entries - me wishes she had some kind of permalinking facility, but what you gonna do?)
A song for Cabana Boy (with thanks to Barry Manilow) Read more...
25 Songs MGL Likes A Lot In no particular order. Enjoy!
Noes! I just wrote my name on a ninety-nine cent Staedtler highlighter because I like it so much I don't want anyone to steal it. Has anyone else done something nerdy lately?
goldbergesque Trippy videos(google-), of balls falling, tipping over glasses, setting stuff in motion, etc. Extra points for anybody translating the themesong's lyric.
FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD! Had my scan this morning, and so have ecstatically abandoned the low-iodine diet! To celebrate, I went to the French bistro in Farmer's Market with my boyfriend and proceeded to eat...Read more...
Happy Friday Music Inside! Because, you know, I like you people. Read more...
Give me your tired, your poor, your -whores I need as many types of whore as possible. Read more...
A Robert E. Howard sentence I've been having fun with: "Conan!" ejaculated both freebooters together, and Valenso and Galbro caught their breath at that name.
This is the thread that you obsessively refresh all day.
Karita Mattila by Richard Avedon (a bit graphic but SFW)
A Pic in Flickr that I liked (NSFW) The second commentor did not see it the way I did. . .
Let's go do some crimes What crimes have you has your imaginary friend gotten away with? Please dispose of any evidence (e.g., dead hooker in car trunk) before posting. Thanks.
David Bowie is very disappointed in you. What have you done to displease him?
BREAKING NEWS: In a shock move dodgygeezer has sacked himself as website administrator because he is, in his words, "an incompetent buffoon" Read more...
Do you need a $500 vibrator? (In a mainstream newspaper, but possibly NSFW.)
Webucator - Anyone know about it? Is it a good place to take Web-development classes? If not, can you recommend a better one?Read more...
post by: Hellbient at: 14:09
Metachat Superlatives I just nominated specklet & mike9322 cutest couple. Anybody else got anything?
Public Service Announcement.
Don't post your criminal acts on myspace.
OMG! Kitties!! (Googe video of still pictures)
This property is zoned XXX I found this in the Kirkland, WA zoning code this morning. Read more...
I am writing this from my Flash Class My teacher is very disorganized and I haven't learned much yet. That is all.
Step aside, virgin mary! I found a cracker shaped like PacMan just now. Read more...
"with whoever you want to be with" OR "with whomever you want to be with"? And while we're at it, please explain lay/lie.
So much time, so little I want to do Happy Friday, one and all.
Truth or dare?
Has anyone here traveled to Delhi? I'm trying to figure out how most people on the street would greet you -- "Namaste"? "Hello"? Something else entirely? Read more...
"Jeff and Mary" or "Mary and Jeff"? Which name do you put first, the person you knew first? The person who you know/like better? Whichever sounds best?Read more...
"Does it tell you about what people can do to help other people, what bird did to help bunny? Be kind to him and give him shelter." This is the weirdest thing I've read all week. Six paragraphs of pure, creepy, weird. Warning: may contain Bush
I'm talking to a Bunny. Bunny just joined a conference call I'm on. Bunny is a bit of a bitch. I think she might really be Godzilla.
Calling All Cows. Give a li'l margareene..
Ask MeCha: How can I get more respect in the workplace? Read more...
What good IS seeing-eye chocolate? What good is a computerized nose?
Photo Friday 21 April! "Cheers, photos of making, drinking, toasting with, whatever, your beverage of choice," from taz! (I say anything goes, though, as long as it has a beverage in the pic. People just don't abuse these photo threads enough. And where is all teh photoshopping?)
I just watched The Devil's Rejects...
badass rainbow pics Where's me pot o gold?

20 April 2006

I bet that if lions and buffalos could make buffalion babies, it'd be the coolest animal ever. Discuss.
gimme music or I'll shoot this bunny Recommend new music for me. No criteria specified, just what you think I should be listening to.
I Remember Clover In the fields south of New Orleans
Snd we ran so blindly through the fields of summer cane
Now when I'm lonely
I send my heart down to New Orleans
To chase my memories alone down through my dreams
Bump! Seattle meetup. And since we're on the subject, Pi needs some place to stay and some carpool buddies from P-town to ride in the pi-mobile.
"I'm Tim, and I drive an Aries." Just because you have a sweet ride doesn't mean you can't keep it real. (QT video with sound)
Cartoon Network ??? a sort-of update to the Saved by the Bell insanity, and explanations : (
Chocolate mayonnaise cake recipe for Seanyboy Useful tip: do not do what my friend did and use garlic mayonnaise by mistake. The resulting cake tasted Very Strange Indeed.
Fantastic Day : > (in honor of the weather here--really perfect day)
MeCha/MeFi Cascadia: the documentary
I was just about to harrangue someone for not updating their blog in a long time, when I realized that my bookmark pointed to a specific archive entry, and that's what I was always loading.

Done anything dumb recently?
Just got an important message from Asheville.
So, we've got a birthday coming up, May 17th, what are we doing? Also, can I get credit for the first "Hey, cute animals!" post?
Mild pre-travel freakage.
Never forget. MJ can dance.
No longer was she going to play their game, by their rules. Now they were going to play her game. And her game is...Yahtzee!Read more...
Summer Camp! What kind of summer camp did you attend, if any? Sleep away or no? Tell!
Guess what I just got for my birthday? Personalized "ThePinkSuperhero" stationery! Read more...
from the mouths of babes
757 Glider Kit (pdf) Get buildin' afore the Red Chinese buy Boeing right out from under us!
post by: omiewise at: 13:07
TPS report My speech went well. I got two recruits, woot woot. I was totally whoofled afterwards and my Better Half and I took the Last Bus (fulla chavs) back to town.Read more... Does this dude ever keep his shirt on? More importantly, don't miss this "thrilling clip" from Lightblast!
When did San Francisco get all godded? First it's the apocalyptic earthquake booklets, now we're getting door-to-door proselytizing? Is this millennial end-of-the-world stuff, but a little behind schedule because this is, after all, California?
This is a HAHAHAHA SUCK IT Thread
Askmecha: HTML help I heard about a tag that can update globally. Suppose I have a footer with a phone number that appears on all the pages of a site. How can I update that number once with a tag? Thanks!
Foxworth or Smoove B? A quiz.
Bunny OMG! Teh cuteness!
I'll dig your grave, dig it with a silver spade... Read more...
Build MeChapolis
Should I sell some t-shirts and stickers and such? How the heck do I go about it? Read more...
Photo Friday is tomorrow and do you know where your cameras are? Are they out smoking pot and having cheap sex with other Sonys and Kodaks and (for God's sake!) Polaroids? I'm late reminding you that tomorrow's theme from taz is "Cheers, photos of making, drinking, toasting with, whatever, your beverage of choice." I say anything goes, though, as long as it has a beverage in the pic. Read more...
I've just discovered that "Human Fly" is THE song to get drunk to. It took me fourteen years of beer drinking and music listening, but I finally nailed it. Yay me!
You say stupid yuppie waste of money, I say lighting the BBQ just got a lot more fun!
Do not miss peacay's post today. Seriously. It's the best in a long time!
Computer Programmer Jokes
Old World Charm, New World Naugahyde
I'm sick and yucky -- stomachs suck.
This thread is talking to yooooou
So, we got new vending machines here at work. Nice spiffy ones, with things like Ramen Noodles and tuna salad kits in 'em. I guess I know where the money from the layoffs went. Oh, well, here's an appropriate song.
This thread isn't talking to you.
This thread is NOT passive aggressive. Maybe it's just that you're all a LITTLE BIT sensitive, eh? Not that I'm talking about you, ya know, but there IS this thing called projection. Well, regardless of any personal problems, like imaging passive aggressive behavior in other people, I'm sure everyone has their good points. Really, you're all such cool people!
Is it time to go home yet?
Pimp my Snide Today in class, I corrected the professor who'd gotten Popper's falsifiability all wrong, then realized I've never actually read Popper and most of my (partial) knowledge of his ideas comes from arguments on MeFi. In fact, though I doubt it's made me any smarter, MeFi has definitely made me better at arguing in real-life. (The level of snarkiness IRL doesn't even approach what we're used to in MeFi, for example.)
What are some good gifts for someone into climbing? More specifically, rock-climbing, rock-scrambling, hiking? Price range: $100 to $500.Read more...
light vision can we have one of these in the metachat trip room?Read more...
Guiding Light - Televison Now that spring seems to have finally sprung around here, I thought I'd post one of the songs that got me through this winter.Read more...
For The Pink Superhero--As Owl wrote to Eeyore:

19 April 2006

Chicago MeFi/MeCha Me-Tup photos - and more from rbs here. His are much better than mine.
Radio. Wonky radio.
do you view most webpages with the browser window totally maximized? or to what extent maximized? this is a serious question (for a change.) feel free to turn it into a joke after you answer. ktksbye!
My Tiny Penis Aches For Love!
Wonky. I just realized I've used the word at least twice in comments here today. What a fun word-- wonky, wonky, wonky. What are some other fun words?
Memefilter: What's the deal with X is using SCIENCE?
Why you gotta be like that?
DC-area lunchtime meetup Sunday, May 7? I'll be in Springfield, VA, that night for a concert at 7:30, but I have the whole day free and can drive up early if any DC-area folks want to meet at a central location for lunch or afternoon antics. Anybody?
You never forget your first car?
Hello. I am sweaty and I smell.
"Look At Me Being Serious!" USC Vice-President Ryan Holt does not appreciate the balloons in his office.
Why no spam and self-links here?
Bill O'Reilly as you've never seen him before: Young, as an investigative reporter for a local Fox affiliate.
I have now been on hold for 35 minutes. They have me. I cannot hang up now because I have committed so much time to this already. I am completely screwed. I hope they answer before I have to leave work.
Konichiwa My Matzo balls could beat the crap out of your Matzo balls.
About Radio Metachat:
1) There's now a playlist history feature here
2) DJs should check their e-mail for some important information.
Crazy german kid I just don't know what else to say. (youtube)
Vancouver invades Seattle? I hear rumours that there will be Vancouverites at the Seattle meetup. Read more...
How to wear a band-aid all the day long Simpler than folding the t-shirt.
Bunnystock Shoutout. Not to put pressure on anybody to show or anything ...
This thread is going to see Cirque du Soleil tonight.
Reminder: Chicago MetaFilter/MetaChat/(MonkeyFilter?) meetup tonight!
Jet to Norway This charming little indie-pop number, by the band Francine, was on Slack-a-gogo's latest mix CD, and I can't stop listening to it. I hope some of you will enjoy it just as much.
This thread is going to the County Fair. Please come along.
What nickname would you give yourself . . . if you could decide everyone (in "real life") would call you by a nick?
The new manager of the department (where me and 17 of my colleagues have been laid off effective 6/30) has sent out emails scheduling everyone for half-hour 'chats' about 'how things are going.' WTF? I'm seriously considering wearing a party dress and propeller beanie to mine and doing all my chatting in pig latin. (although, truth be told, the t-shirt I'm wearing today would be effective as well.
Ask MeCha: Why is "the Mile High" club such a big deal Read more...
Tacos and Margaritas for all! I have good cause to celebrate, but I can't tell you why. So please, drink up!
Orange Swan's Dating Life: the Odyssey Here's the latest episode. Fortunately, this one isn't at all unpleasant, but I thought you people might be interested in the story of the FREAKIEST coincidence I've come across in awhile. Read more...
Another Dream Last night I had this dream . . .I was in a meeting, and Donald Rumsfeld was leading it and he's standing, walking along talking and as he passes me, he picks something out of my hair. . .Read more...
Right now... favorite song is "Rise Up With Fists" by Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins.

What's yours?
I had a dream last night the nuclear holocaust came Well, sort of. There was a group of us running from the bombs by staying underwater. And who was our leader? mathowie.
The wills of the Darke County residents below were taken from Will Book A-1, 1819-1836. Some may be difficult to read. After viewing a will page, use your Back button to return to the index. Main page here
I am incredibly grumpy today. And for no good reason. Say nice things about me.
Ask Mecha: Any Flash Mavens out there? I wondered if someone could point me in the right direction on a problem I'm having with Macromedia Flash 8. Read more...
MetaChat dream! Okay, this time it was me who dreamed about Vegas, and I wasn't alone...Read more...
Lets go underwater and explore some shipwrecks....pretty pictures
dwarf parts: not all bunnies are created equal.
but they all soak in evil
Drive-By Truckers rock. This song makes me happy. I don't know if directly linking to free record-company sponsored MP3 files is kosher or not. I love this band, and I've known them for 20 freakin' years and I'm glad they're gettin' huge and still making tunes that make me wanna drink whiskey and break pool cues over cops' heads. If this link violates some sort of you're-such-a-rabid-fanboy-this-must-be-spamming rule, then pull it down. And go listen to DBT. Yeeeeeeee-haaaaaw!
Worst or biggest scar. Go.

18 April 2006

Because Dan Brown sucks.. suggest better books in the same genre to suggest your friends read instead of bothering you to read the Da Vanci Code.
Good News Everyone! /Professor Farnsworth

(adult swim's coming to the UK, on a channel named Bravo--you'll love it!) : >

*ends commercial, calls Cartoon Network, asks for check*
Who/what's eating my cilantro?
Mawiage is what bwings us... AskMeCha— How much should I charge to marry strangers?

I've got the ordination from that internet church, and I've legally married a few friends. In a bout of desperately trying to make money in non-traditional avenues, I put up an ad on Craigslist noting that I'd be happy to marry folks who don't want the traditional minister in exchange for some dosh. I already got a nibble, but he wants to know how much. Since I've only married friends and relatives, essentially for barter or free, I got no idea how much to charge someone else. Whaddaya think about my scam, MeCha?
Hacking A More Tasteful MySpace I know this is too advanced for most myspace users to handle, but I can dream.
I R Chatting It's bitchin.
Summer Too Far Away? I'm hosting a blogger/flickr meetup/bbq/party on Friday, April 28 AND Read more...
Bunny! OMG! A brief poorly edited guide to the hole in the ozone, minus notes, but with bunnies.
Radio Amiga! - Playing an hour long mix of some old school tracker tunes and mods. Starts in about 15 minutes. Bring your joysticks.
Playing music backwards--a question.
Can we get one of these for Metachat Mansion? It would go great with the cabana.
Who knows about Champagne? So my parents just visited and brought me a bottle of Dom Perignon that they don't think they're ever going to drink...Read more...
This thread has 11,520 comments.
Tell me things that will make me giggle like a school girl
I don't know nothin' about birthin' no kittens. But Maggie does! Welcome the first of five(?), courtesy of sort-of-live kittycam!
Indie Rock Pete lives! Turning hatin' into an art, this guy hates almost everything - except Iron Maiden, The Chipmunks Christmas and something called Fungus Amongus.Read more...
This thread does not have 156 comments.
AskMeCha! Help Specklet get internet at home!
I need a good response to an email I received...Read more...
I really love reading foreigners' explanations of the U.S. And this one is so thorough. Perhaps you will enjoy Typicalville or the restaurant descriptions. Or maybe you're a foreigner and would like to make up your own. But no politics, kay?
The finalists for's citibank slogan contest. Vote for me.
This has been an unpaid, selflinking, votewhoring message, and I approve of it.
Inspired by this post... How often are you horny?
In honor of finishing up with taxes and the pukes... the greatest party invitation in music history (complete with a spoken prelude by a 50's fundy preacher), and as a bonus a tribute to southern occult arts by one of the era's great female rockers.
Three-Point Status Report
Boxwood Netsuke Bunnies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of them. Found here.
Good/Bad Lurid One-Night Stands One each, no do-overs.
This thread is for everyone to release all the tension from not commenting in the 6-comment thread.
This thread has ONLY 6 comments. No more.
Radio Mecha - Music Box: Summer Songs I'm playing some songs about summer, sunshine, that kind of thing. Jazz and soul, mostly, with a little bit of all-over-the-place. Wanna listen?
post by: box at: 11:21 | 7 comments
Dodgy, that is the opposite of funny. *shakes fist*
This thread is a confession booth. Bless you, my child. Read more...
They just blew up the old Jamestown Bridge.
Barbershop for the bunny's soul. When you laugh, they laugh with you. When you cry, they sing you dulcet equine songs.Read more...
Continued from the thread with 156 comments: What movies have you enjoyed recently?
Have you ever had an amicable breakup? Like, you just decided, We're both great people but we're not great together? Our "boy/girl legos don't fit," as Wm Gibson put it? No hard feelings anywhere?
Ah... ah... ah *sniff* ehhh... ah... ahh... ahhhh...
Free Professional Fashion Photography Tips
It's usually a good idea to get all of your subject in the picture unless you have a nifty close up of your monkey.
[Via Jolynns Monkey Boutique] (Sound Warning)
This thread has 156 comments.
"Stats" is an interesting site that "monitors the media to expose the abuse of science and statistics before people are misled and public policy is distorted". Yesterday they featured Too Late for Katie?, wherein they give "props to the online community Metafilter for digging out and exposing yet another meth story that both the New York Times and an Al Roker Court TV special report botched."
post by: taz at: 03:30 | 5 comments
Ask Mecha Help me edit text!

17 April 2006

OMG? Bunnieez Ok, it's a *bit* late, but it's still Easter Monday. "Hot cross bunnies" indeed!
Do The Digs Dug? - The Goats This is from one of the most underrated hip-hop albums of all time. They were utterly fearless in their assault on GHWB and the American Scam in general. Too bad they couldn't keep it goin...

drunk. I'm drunk. Discuss.
94 degrees and the average is 72... so wrong *sweats profusely*
UWS insomnia radio until around 3am GMT
Internal Revenue Chat: Who wants sit on #bunnies with me as I fill out my income taxes? Read more...
those photographs you still avoid Claudia Emerson has won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry
Back at work after four days off. How much does this suck?
post by: dg at: 17:00 | 10 comments
Well, let's get down to business, shall we?
My blood? Boiling. File also under "People Suck."
OMG Bunny . . . caretoys!? From the people who bring you the goatse iPod skin (from pie's comment here.)
post by: shane at: 15:49
Food and drink somewhere tonite? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
OMG RAMIX!!! Guess who's back in da hizzle?!!!
So the Pulitzer Prize winners were announced today. There was no winner for drama. The nominees sound interesting (last graph): anyone know if there's a juicy story behind the decision to not choose a winner?
Rob Newman's History of Oil. (torrent, divx). Comedy show looking at Oil, War, the Euro-Dollar and the end of industrial civilization. Made me think.
(Also, Guardian mp3 interview with Newman.)
post by: seanyboy at: 14:55
This thread reminds me of Creeping Underwear Syndrome.
I want to hear proposal stories. You, or people you know.Read more...
The most expensive pukefest of my life
Former IL Gov. George Ryan found guilty on all counts. Wow. I'm surprised. Yes, I know this is Newsfilter but it's big stuff.
Fess up! Which one of youse did this?
The new Tool single, "Vicarious", is out. And it is a delight of odd times. Yay, Tool, for bringing complex prog metal to the mainstream. It'll be fun at the show seeing all the unmusical folks trying to headbang to this.
WE ARE SO CONFUSED! For New York residents: are taxes due by 11:59 p.m. TONIGHT or by 11:59 TOMORROW NIGHT?
Ask MeCha: Nashville
Damn, sorry I missed ya Saturday... caught up
What is the proper response when your boyfriend tells you in a fit of anger, "I had planned twice this month to propose to you, but you ruined it both times."?
Asheville Meetup: Pick your Weekend and Update the Wiki If you plan to attend the Asheville meetup, please update the Wiki with your preferred weekend(s) of the three that have been proposed (July 21-23, July 28-30, or August 4-6). The finalized date will be selected by our hosts based on the information in the wiki.
Do any of your "real" friends understand your Internet subculture? Someone here at work just brought in loads of leftover Easter candy (yes, she's 30-ish and her mom still makes her a basket.) I caught myself just before I said, "All your Twix are belong to me."
Hooray for Me - Bad Religion I crank this one when feelin' kinda cheeky!
post by: black8 at: 09:33
Because I'm always late to the party... I'm playing catch-up with Photo Fridays. What am I still missing?
Most Embarrassing Moment Mine are in my Thread O' Flagellation. Now I need to know yours.
No Title I just got back from the doctor's and I have a six centimetre cyst on my right ovary.Read more...
Happy Freaking Birthday, wimpdork! You share the day with my cats. They're 1.
Stripped Books For those of you who like reading non-fiction about the comics world in comics form.
The MetaChat bunny is back! It's too bad. I always thought MeCha needed more chicks.
Public restroom etiquette. Known rules include: Do not use the urinal adjacent to a pee-er if another is available. Do not make eye contact with a pee-er at the urinal. For women, I propose that one should not occupy a stall adjacent to a solitary pee-er if others are available. And, regardless of lavatory preference, NO CELL PHONES WHILE OTHERS ARE PEEING/WHATEVER!

Other rules? I think we need to commit this to paper.
80's Radio. I'll be playing far too much "Gothic" music, but come along and be reminded of the decade of Thatcher, the miners strike, power suits and huuuuge mobile phones.
Chocolate gives you bad dreams.
OMG FRIST BIRTHDAY PSOT! Happy birthday to the lovely and special wimpdork. Read more...

16 April 2006

again i ask: where is jenna? it's been months since she has been seen in yahoo news photos. it's all not-jenna, all the time. why wasn't jenna invited to easter dinner? why isn't the press asking questions? the last we heard from jenna, some coke dealer had her wallet. where has jenna gone?
During my afternoon nap I had a dream TrishaLynn and I were flying to Vegas.Read more...
Happy Bunny Day Mecha! Easter can be tiring for bunny girls. Read more...
OMG! Pets in hats! And bunny ears and all sorts of stuff.
Look! Airedale!
MetalChat: Two underappreciated gems of prog-metal. Fans of Tool who haven't heard of Anacrusis may be intrigued by their sound - and they've made their whole, too-brief discography available for download.
What's for dinner?
Leporiphobia "Leporiphobia, a specific phobia, is an abnormal, debilitating, and often paralyzing fear of cute little bunny rabbits. It is among the most common phobias in the Western hemisphere."
MetaChat Easter Egg The truth comes out...
Oldie but Goodie: These Big Bunny flash cartoons are part of the Easter tradition at my house. Especially the Easter episode.
Radio Dodgy Hey, let's have a lazy sunday session. On now.
WBMWJC: What body mod would Jesus choose? A big page of Jesus tattoos for your Easter viewing pleasure. via nowpublic
post by: taz at: 13:44 | 5 comments
sunday jazz returns! I apologize for the hiatus and give to you all my favorite cut from Eric Dolphy's masterpiece, "Out to Lunch" from 1964. The track in question features the incredible Bobby Hutcherson on vibes and Dolphy on flute.Read more...
OMG Squirrels! Three squirrels took over my porch for a while this morning. Read more...
♪ I've got a theory ♪ It could be bunnies.Read more...
All is revealed, in Mark’s Gospel, when Jesus dies and the Holy of Holies is unveiled to view.
Interesting reading in the TLS. Happy Easter everybody.
Beer Garden Meetup Photos From the strangest meetup ever.
Dear friends: I have some rather urgent business, so I'm afraid I can't be with you today - but I've left a friend in charge (please try not to ruffle her feathers!), and there's food in the fridge, so you should be okay.

See you soon...
Can you post porn on flickr? Because I'm seeing porn on flickr. I'm just hoping its not going to disappear on me.
Radio LT: Saturday Night Sonic Splitlip Your Mama Music Read more...
Metachat meetup Attendees confessed to spending their time at Mecha at Mefi meetup.

15 April 2006

The God Who Wasn't There - So I watched this documentary a couple days ago at a friends place. Then he tells me that the guy that made the movie has a planned "war on easter" where people plant dvds all around churches the night before easter or something like that.Read more...
i have a sunburn and i am going to sleep
Everyone went to dinner but me
Saturday Night! Anyone a bigger nerd than me?

Radio Mike All plans have fallen through. Since I'll be around, I'm playing some tunes. Mostly heavy stuff, because I'm restless and frustrated. Starting in two or so minutes.
Goodbye Winter It's official, and it's the freakin' weekend baby I'm about to have me some fun...Read more...
Photo gallery of sculptures by hyper-realist Ron Mueck (previously discussed at MeFi).
Double post! Thanks to this Mefi post, I finally listened to Miko's album "Both Ends of the Gun" and I love it! So two questions insideRead more...
My Saturday day plans fell through. While I wait to see if my secondary plans are happening, I'll be pouting in IRC. Come pout with me!
Bear Attack Kills Child This is so horrifying. They say it's only the second fatal attack in local history, which is true, but then the first one was only 6 years ago.Read more...
Ask Mecha: Deleting entire contents of Gmail inbox?
I did a sort of horrible thing today ... Read more...
For the song of the day , a tune that nicely defines my views on people's personal behaviors. Plus it's catchy as hell, too. See the NYC crew down the street in a few hours.
Another post about hairstyles.
OMG Ethiopian Wolves! I didn't know about this kind of wolf until today.
My little brother is moving back!
Hairpun I cut my beard off, and I think I'm regretting it. So reassure me, or tell me it'll grow back, or something. Or just look at my ugly mug, since I don't think I've posted it here before.
Hair today... ...and gone yesterday.
My Week with Serge Gainsbourg. He looked absolutely terrible - his face and body utterly polluted from alcohol abuse, his eyes ugly unfocussed slits, his voice a sneerful rasping whisper. He began to tell an obscene story involving Brigitte Bardot and a champagne bottle but he was too drunk to remember the ending so he staggered offstage, literally collapsing into a nearby seat. Everyone else gave him a standing ovation but I just sat there, stunned.
Bunnies! OMG! There is so much that is both very right and very wrong with this.Read more...
"i want to whip him, not hang him!" --or, how times change?

14 April 2006

w00t! The kitty was rescued! Remember Molly from a couple days ago? Well, she's safe and free from that dank basement under the deli! Yay!!!
EAT PASTE I broadcast.
Another tax-related rant Settle in, kids... this is a long one.Read more...
Moonbird and mygothlaundry say 'ahoy mateys' from lovely West Asheville. So, where y'at?Read more...
OMG! Bunny! Kitty! Doggy! Yeah, if anyone needs me I'll be over there, bawling my eyes out.
thanks mike9322, lacuna coil fucking rocks! your post tweaked my interest. i'm lovin' it.
Vote for Miko! She was probably too modest to ask us herself.
Update: I sang like a boid.
Actual Business Jargon of the Day This is becoming a regular thing, I think.Read more...
This is an angry complaining post. (Yes, half of mine are. If you don't like it, go stuff yourself.)Read more...
"That's what you get for eating sports bras and underwear" Read more...
Only losers quit.
A functioning e-mail address is in my profile. I burnt one too many copies of my mix CD for the MetaChat swap. The first person who emails me and tells me what rhymes with "hideous car wreck" gets the CD.
I nominate this song as the official MeCha battle cry!
TGIF is all well and good, but... ...for those who are not having that bunny-perfect (tm) Friday, why not? Get it off your chest now, and enjoy the weekend. Is this a shouting thread?
Describe yourself using song lyrics.
MetaChat, what kind of boys do you like?
Radio Moonbird: Yard Sale Sorting Music Set to random, and I'll be deep in the closets (surely, I'll come out here and there) getting stuff ready for tomorrow's pre-moving sell-a-thon. Enjoy, and be forewarned.
Hey, MeCha Writers, Editors, and Publishing Folks... If you're willing, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my AskMe question. I'm thinking about a career change. This question is baby step #1.
Hey guys, I think it's time I told someone... Read more...
Hugh, What kind of girls do you like?
Trivia, Ephemera, Apocrypha
It's Friday. Take a load off. Don't be such an angry young man and just let her dance and drift away in the cold kentucky rain...
This weekend, my roommate moves out. hellYEAH! What are you looking forward to?Read more...
Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday And off to a roaring start.
Photo Friday 14 April: "Owned Art" . . . Art that you own or that resides with you or around you somewhere or ... you know, have fun with it. Interpret liberally as always ;-)
Case Dismissed! so i'll be getting high now.
Bunnies! OMG! And elephants, and bears, and ...
AskMeCha: Is evil puzzle #444,304,925 solvable without guessing?
$240 Worth of Pudding Aw yeah. .zipped .mpg

13 April 2006

Transmetropolitan when? any guesses?
Best songs under two minutes in length?
One (daydream) nation, indivisible... Sonic Youth's masterpiece is now part of the U.S. Library of Congress. Frickin' cool.
Random Radio Matildaben - Q Edition In about 10 minutes, or whenever urbanwhaleshark wraps up (thanks for holding down the fort!). All tonight's songs begin with the letter "Q".
#Bunnies Join us!
Pump for a limited time only
Worst moment in recorded music history?
Favorite moment in (recorded) music history?
Attn: Taz and others: a bit more Voix Bulgares inside.
Prog fans, I know you're out there. Something to listen to. Read more...
Long weekend! So what are the bunnies up to?
It's the laaaast hour of work. What are you doing? And what are you not doing?Read more...
Who is Little Barrie imitating? I like their sound and I'm interested in exploring whoever inspired them.
Yo Chicago, wanna know what my ma looks like? Go to Rose's Lounge, 2656 N. Lincoln. Great gimlets, tremendous jukebox, Read more...
GMAIL says: "You are currently using 2500 MB (92%) of your 2713 MB." Is that a lot? Should I feel special? Is that run-of-the-mill, like people who brag about having 1GB of mp3s? The question remains: what percent of your 2713MB are you using?
Yo NYC, howzabouta field trip? Maybe Saturday?
Radio Dodgy It's the start of my weekend - help me celebrate! Playing now.
GAH!!!! I'm sick of feeling this way!
OMG! Knitted animals! These are absolutely fricking awesome. Cute beyond what cuteness should allow.
Ask Mecha: Should I foil this prank?
Camera help !
Who are your top twenty Last.FM overall artists? Does the list seem to represent your taste?
Who belongs there, who doesn't?
Sometimes I get the crazy urge to grow a classic Green Arrow beard, even though I'm not into facial hair or goatees. I guess before growing this beard I would hopefully establish some lifestyle out in the woods with rare human contact. What are your odd or eccentric urges?
Last FM question: Who was listening to "Pritouritze Planinata" ( info link) from Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares? Because I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter. Read more...
post by: taz at: 09:00 | 7 comments
Today's question: You are given the opportunity to ask one question to anyone in the world, and you're guaranteed to find out the absolute truth. Who would you pick, and what would be your question?

weretable gives you things that have sound
The Theorem Of Da Booty . Combine this with my Unified Butt Theory and we got the makin's of a Nobel.
Covers recovered on Radio Mecha - oi, fancy listening to some strange covers of famous and/or cult songs? Throwing in a few originals as well just to keep you guys on your toes. The cover session starts in...5..4...session will last 1hr30min
"They Don't Serve Breakfast in Hell"...Good morning, bunnies.
post by: bunnyfire at: 07:55
Apparently, I have the "Best Job in America". Huh. I must have a serious case of Grass is Greener Syndrome, then.
Kingdom of MeCha The MeCha Bunnies clan is now open for business!Read more...
Ask Mecha--Ask Mefi Is it ever appropriate to intentionally answer an AskMe question in a way that's not entirely sincere?
post by: box at: 07:22 | 7 comments
This is my birthday thread... which everyone is invited to buy me drinks and wish me a happy 40th birthday!
A "thank you" to all you metachatters...

12 April 2006

What a girl wants... to be free of sexual molestation.
Oddities... So, I go into the ladies room at the end of the day at my school, after a "rapid fire drill," which clears the school of all students in a New York minute (I teach in a high school in the Bronx), and there, hanging on the coat hook by the window which only opens an inch, is a mint-green, ripple-padded brassiere. Any theories?
Women is Losers. Bitterness radio. Sort of heart-felt, sort of not. On now.
post by: mudpuppie at: 21:02
??? I don't know why, but these songs are really speaking to me right now...

Dinosaur - King Crimson

Las Vegas Basement - Julian Cope

Your thoughts?
brilliant ---tv remote as squeezable worry-beads/rosary
I love new music, don't you? I just got the new Lacuna Coil CD. I'm two songs in and I can already tell it's going to kick my ass. I've been waiting for this album for a long, long time. I love this feeling. Tool's new album May 2! OMG!
This is just to say that I love escapist magazine. That rag is full of the most interesting articles ever. I really have to force myself to check it out every month. hot damn.
Yay! Ninja girl wins!
Frog Spawn, Or Not? Picture, from the bathtub in my backyard, inside.
you are going to be shocked to hear this Read more...
3-4-5-6-7-8 Status Report. Whereupon you update us on your life with a 3-letter, a 4-letter, a 5-letter word, and so on.
This thread got into an argument with a very special one. Possibly irreversibly.
A Programming Reminder from the Wendell Wadio Network It starts at 3:00PM Pacific, 6:00PM Eastern, 10:00PM UTC...Read more...
Let's talk about making out
A sign of.... what? So the bald dude with the hat who is also the VP of our section came over to have a chat...Read more...
More fun with Wikipedia
Hello? Kitty? N.Y. rescuers pull out the stops -- Drills, mini cameras, raw fish used in search for cat in Greenwich Village deli basement wall.
Can we talk some more about crushes? About how, like, they're fun and stuff, but also stressful and mind-occupying?
The new wank-off (Rap-interlude/'00s RnB) = (Studio-Guitarist Solo/'80s Hairmetal). Discuss.
Don't laugh at me, but
Get your cameras out for Photo Friday . . . This Friday's theme: "Owned Art," inpired by interrobang.
Feel free to post future themes in the Wiki!
Also, don't forget to post full moon photos in taz's thread.
I may have just agreed to go to Scotland. Read more...
My work day just looked up!
AskMecha: Alcohol on Planes Is it impossible to take my own liquor on a plane? Will I be anally probed if I try to do so? Every time I try to google, I just get articles about drunk pilots. I am not a pilot.
Help Wanted
AskMecha: How can one best jump into web development? In college I took a horrible course in C programming and it put me off computers. Now, looking around at all this great stuff happening on the web, I wish I had stuck with it. What do I need to do to develop a useful web development toolkits? I want to learn how to build sites like Upcoming, or interesting applications like Basecamp. Assume I'm starting from scratch. Is this something I can learn on my own from books? Are there online classes you recommend? Please hope me!
What do you both HATE and LOVE? For me, it's automatic contacts in Outlook e-mail.Read more...
Shoot the moon: Why not take a picture of the (nearly) full moon tonight if you get a chance, and post it here. Read more...
How many ways does Rob Cordry Hate you? Rob Cordry hates me for 8 separate reasons.
Team Awkward! This thread is for uncool people only. If you're hip, bite your lip.
Where do babies come from? - If you had to lie creativity, what would you say?
After my ill-advised snit in another thread I feel like I should over something happy and funky as a peace offering so here's Willie Bobo and Willie Rosario. ¡baila, hermanos y hermanas, baila!
I just want some coffee, is that too much to ask? A song for I Love Tacos and the worst waitress ever.
OMG Bunnies hate EEE!ster!!
I hate days like this: there's very little for me to do at my job right now, but that's because in a few days there will be huge amounts of stuff to get through in a short period of time. In the meanwhile, I have to look busy. Anybody feeling me?
Whatcha listenin' to? Me? I'm listening to the new Beth Orton, the Mountain Goats, and some Calexico.
I got a bonus funnybone...
Existensial Question: When using an ATM, have you ever chosen to operate it in a language you don't speak, just to see if you could do it flying on pure instinct? Also, I bought the new issue of Wax Poetics yesterday. It's great as always. Plus, I got the Sporting News Baseball Annual. Lets Go Mets!
AskMecha - OK I know someone here knows this, I stumbled onto some sort of "blog-mixer" widget where you could add RSS feeds of your choice, a few keywords too maybe, and read all the blog-news at once place! It wasn't suprglu....I lost the bookmark, where is this place?
Happy Whale Does Binky Dance with Rescuers . . . When the whale realized it was free, it began swimming around in circles, according to the rescuers. Moskito said it swam to each diver, nuzzled him and then swam to the next one. Read more...
I hate War on Terror TV
A song from the Hansons.
Is the answer Jesus?
Radio LT: Some Soft Suchness for the Evening's Sons.... Read more...

11 April 2006

Worst Waitress Ever. Long
U.S. Government Issue Coloring Books Some, like Billy and Maria Learn About Tornado Safety are PDFs and some of them such as Mushrooms Good and Bad you can even color online! via

Black & White Cookies krix wants to have proper black & white cookies at our reception. While I'm sure that I can find something not unlike this cookie here in Vegas, I was hopeful that folks in NYC might have a suggestion or two.

We're looking for a bakery of some repute that will ship nine or ten dozen in a timely manner. $100 - $150 is the target price range.
post by: saf at: 22:22 | 5 comments
my bamboo is starting to shoot.
Radio Mecha - Music Box: Mixtapes Since nobody's broadcasting, how about some (extended) DJ mixtapes? Rare grooves, blends, sample sources, you know how it is.

(If someone else wants to get on the radio, please let me know.)
post by: box at: 21:52 | 5 comments
It's True Love!
This thread exhibits developmentally non-baseline behavior, as evidenced by...
catmustache If it can be thought of, the Internet has it.
Iridescent Rhubarb Chutney Sure is quiet in here.
WENDELLSDAY WADIO WETURNS TOMOWWOW 3:00 Pacific, 6:00 Eastern, 10:00 UTC Read more...
Team Vag: Anyone want a coupon and catalog for Babeland?Read more...
This is a movie pitch thread. You're in the elevator with a famous producer of mass-market blockbusters that usually feature lots of gratuitous explosions. Begin speaking.
Dear Crush... me3dia posted this picture recently.
Bunnies! OMG! OMG! OMG the humanity!!! " ...Some Volunteer Bunnies decided to back out of the project at this point and were promptly devoured by the researchers to set an example to those that remained in the program. No Bunnies dropped out of the project..."
What do you do during the last hour of work? I need to utilize this time, but my brain is usually mush. Anyone have any tips?
Yay! My boss just called me into his office... and asked me to stay on as a consultant! Read more...
Happy Birthday me3dia!
One more hour. Make it go faster.
IM BACK BITCHEZZZZZZZ!!!!! Wuddup?! Talk 2 me!
The Real Meaning of Passover. Video (RealVideo, sorry) of Rabbi David Wolpe of Los Angeles Sinai Temple discussing Pesach. So, Hag Sameach to our Jewish bunnies (a nonKosher animal, by the way).
I just bought some Handi Snacks Cheese & Crackers out of our rumored to be soon departed vending machine. What the hell do you call that little red plastic spreading implement? Once I stuck that in the cheese and it came out of the plastic in one solid chunk. Since then the softening agents seem to have come along way. Anyways, that plastic contraption would make a very postmodern murder weapon.
Carried over from #bunnies last night Bad pick-up lines.
Did we already have the Japanese bunny posted here? I searched for "bunny" but didn't find anything.
Team Aardvark: snout problems again. = (
Can we talk some more about books? So, this MeFi post is about the differences the Guardian found in men & women's selections for most influential books. That's fine. But what I want to know is, bunnies, what's yours?
Dale Peck is a humorless shit. The latest example has him riding his hobbyhorse, banging his drum, and waxing his persecution complex in the penultimate round of the otherwise enjoyable Morning News Tournament of Books.
Dear Catastrophe Landlord, while I appreciate your cheerful devil-may-care attitude towards providing the utilities I pay for, in the morning hot water is not really an optional commodity.
Ask MeCha. How soon can I break up with my girlfriend?Read more...
My Latest Obsession.
OMG, Bun!--Are you kickin'?! Also, we should probably address this picture of "SnarlCarl" found on the 'Net. Does he think he's a bunny or a cat? Does he not look happy about his costume? Captions please?
Family is weird.
Bunny OMG!!!! This bunny looks strikingly familiar...
post by: tommasz at: 06:38
Team Vag: Your life's goal Dedicated to the awesome women here.
Hedgehog! OMG! Curse the fact that the state of CA does not allow me to own one.Read more...
WARNING: do not listen to MeCha radio right now unless you are sad or tired. Or would like to be.
She's my baby, I'm her honey I'm never gonna let her go...
He ain't too sharp but he gets things done
Drinks his beer like it's oxygen...

10 April 2006

has anyone else seen that "secret love" commercial for LOTR? It just was on...and it's all about Frodo and Sam? as if they're lovers. (i needed the smile.)
I'm sad...
OMG Bunny Seen in Fort Worden State Park, Port Townsend, WA, earlier today.
This Side of Love - Terence Trent D'Arby I post this in honor of his best-of release and wild talent. Had he been less stubborn and/or had a producer with an iron will and/or a public that could keep up, who knows what he might've pulled off?

This one's from his 'difficult' second album.

"What have I done to piss the gods off?"
It's all about you, babe. If someone were to write a song about you, what song would you want it to be modeled after?Read more...
Gimme Indie Rock. "Herein, we will run tournaments that are utterly inconsequential, will fuel moderate bickering, and ultimately please nobody. Enjoy!"
Febreze ain't cutting it
But I'm already so awesome! Personal/professional development goal ideas needed:Read more...
Mmmmmmm-wah! Big kiss!
Radio Dodgy I'm doing a set now. All the usual pop bobbins.
Ok, so I'm dumb. [music inside]
Just pickin' up the kids. Because that's how we roll.
Cracker! I am enjoying the hell out of this 2005 Cracker concert, free at What are you listening to?
For Hugh Janus: Long live the Mutual Appreciation Society
A Serial Killer Explains the Distinctions Between Literary Terms A random dose of McSweeney's is good for the spleen.
Techie Ask Mecha: How Do I Install MS Office? I am starting a data entry job from home. For this, I need Excel. But I can't get it to install. Read more...
Yes, you can be 'whelmed' . . . and still be grammaricallytically upright and proper. Underwhelmed? I dunno. I guess so, if you want.Read more...
Burlington ON Canada info request
Xanth Charicters! (Google cache of geocities, not that I would really mind if the original died forever.) Why, oh why, would anyone take the time to do this?
This could be the end of me.
“You get your choice of an aesthetic.” A jaunty little tune about sex-reassignment surgery to brighten up your morning.
post by: Zozo at: 09:56 | 1 comment
OK, I saw the weirdest dream. What does this mean? I'm happily asleep and I see a dream about MetaFilter where I'm being outed on MetaTalk and then chatting with jessamyn who points out strange posts from the past where I've used foreign languages and made all kinds of silly statements.

I wake up all confused. I still am.
What would you do: A social & ethical dilemma Read more...
Your Weekend: Priceless A Monday morning thread for fun. The rules are simple. Describe your weekend in three or more lines, listing three events, the last one "Priceless", as in the TV commercials.
Hindemith's little chamber concerto for piano [I, II, III, IV]. Beautiful, barely restrained madness from a composer often accused of being "dry" and "academic".
The Fib is a form of poetry similar to haikus, but based on the classic Fibonacci sequence.
went to the muskogee azalea festival today
Things I learned at the NYC Meetup...
Please Enjoy the Following Local Band: Band of Horses! Read more...

09 April 2006

Won't you come and see me, Queen Jane? - 18MB mp3 of Bob Dylan and His Band playing "Queen Jane Approximately" last Monday evening in Stockton, CaliforniaRead more...
A funny thing happened during Weekend Edition Sunday happened during the puzzle. Lianne, we all must bow to thee.
I feel myself caving in to gadget lust Must have the precious!

What shiny new toys are you craving?
2 Dems go off script--on FOX, no less --very interesting segment--2 Democrats refuse to play the game--really worth watching.
Score! I'm moving! In less than a month I'll be moving into a sweet apartment, walking distance to downtown, in a neighborhood with many groovy friends. Read more...
Favorite things. What puts a wiggle in your walk? Really?Read more...
Radio Dodgy Inspired by Hellbient's thread below I'm playing some of the music I used to listen to in my friends cars. It's mostly a replay of the indie disco set I did a while ago.
Nostalgia Sunday It's Spring, you're in high school and you and your best friend are driving. Doesn't matter where. For better or worse, what were you listening to? YSI it.Read more...
What do German speakers say to mean "of course"? Babelfish would have me believe it's "selbstverständlich", but I'm skeptical.
A portrait of San Francisco in 1906, in the days leading up to the great earthquake.
i think this is a joke, from my local Freecycle (give or take for free) e-mail list. but around here you never know:
[FreecycleLakeCounty] wanted Strait-jacket
i am in need of a strait-jacket for my mother. thanks
p.s. unrelated: is there any way to tell a co-worker he has a BAD problem with untrimmed nostril-hair?
My first Easter treats this year. A friend came over for lunch, bringing these with her. Do I eat the white or the brown ones first?
I have tasted the glory, and it is Chunky Monkey.
Have you ever seen a woman brest-feeding a cat? No? Ok, here you go. (NSFW)
Girls... why do they hurt us so? That really, really, really hurt. Owwwwwwwwww. :-(

I mean, not even is cheering me up. :-(
AskMeCha: Web Hosting Um... Is it a bad idea to buy webhosting off eBay? $8.95/yr fits my budget perfectly...
So landrush started on Friday -- which crazy .eu domain name did you get/do want to get?Read more...
Since I YSI'd this earlier Middle-Eastern jazz by Rabih Abou-Khalil.
What do you have that's already up?
My Son has Croup (with that awful cough), how's your evening/morning?
DABITCH? Are you really on the air right now? Read more...

08 April 2006

So... We met last weekend and really clicked. I was kinda interested in other people, but she grabbed my attention in a way no one has in a very long time.
She asked me over last night, throwing in the possibility of pizza, sex and strong drink.
At 10:24AM she asked me if I'd be her steady and I said
So this one is for her (gahd help us all!)

Girlfriend - The Bathers
All alone in IRC :-( Come and be my friend in #bunnies!
2 lost sexy dub tracks by Rastafarettes Buck Town Corner - The Jay Tees and Holy Mt. Zion - Dawn & Christine
MyDeathSpace -- "they may be gone, but they'll never be forgotten."
From The Day Wouldn't Be Complete Without A Yousendit From Jonmc Dept. A few days ago, pre-layoff and pre-reunion, I was sitting in my bar with my boys Tennessee Sam (a graying mid 30's punker) and Roy, a Belize-born, Brooklyn raised black man in his fifties. I had loaded up the jukebox, and when the following song came on, damned if I didn't see both their foots tapping happily. So, do you like it nice and easy, or nice and rough?
BINKY WHEN YOU'RE HAPPY, BABY. BINKY! "Then there's the binky. If your bunny binkies, you know she's on top of the world. Binkies are crazy happy dances. Your bunny will hop in the air, twirl her head and spin around then maybe start running at top speed."Read more...
Is bunnyhead dead?
Easter weekend, Me and Pips were thinking of coming down to Philly (we we're just watching a Rocky movie). Anybody wanna meetup for beer and cheesesteak?
Puppies VS Cat Warning: Google video
Mac Bunnies, Hope Me! Can anyone provide some Mac help? My desperation, it grows.
Happy Rebirthday!
What's the answer to everything? So. Jesus walked on ice, not water. And he was friends with Judas. Have we been tricked for 2k years? :o
Sweet dreams, internet via Warren Ellis
Hello, Seattle. I am coming to your meetup. Fawn all over me now.

07 April 2006

Klamath Falls, Oregon inhales the lime phallus of the E. asinus Read more...
Very good zinger from Italian campaign -- Berlusconi, phone-sex women, and his opponent, Prodi (Prodi wins) : >
Random Vook Radio 8:30 - 10:30 PST or later - Friday, April 7th PST Read more...
This could be fun...Sound involved, but I think it's worth it people! (nothing loud or scary though, you are safe to click)
Goatse in palistine From the state department's website.
Now this beats dipping your pinky in a glass of wine 10 times by a mile: the Plush Plagues Bag, just in time for Passover : >
Where is Anti-Pesto? “Its prints are huge, bigger than a hare — about the size of a deer’s. One ear’s bigger than the other. It’s a brute." Oh won't someone think of the veg?!
Holy shit, dude! Look, I hate links to video sites as much as the next person, but this is SCIENCE. And it's really cool. Read more...
Deja vu? Compare and contrast: this comment by Eideteker; this article from the Onion A.V. Club (see #2).
Is there a word for...
this is a bipolar thread....
MeCha voices: a question for the bunnies
Execrable Business Jargon for the Day
Radio Dodgy I'll do a quick set now so I can test some stuff out. You can listen in if you like.
Gold Day - Sparklehorse I just listened to "Ash Wednesday" by Elvis Perkins which causes me to breakout in goosebumps...
This song is the comedown.

I like mellowtrons, too.

it's friday, & I'm tired, this week has been shit, worked my ass off on projects for which I haven't been paid anything at all, haven't had time to go to any classes, been chewed out, pissed off, got into a fight with a neighbor over a parking space and my checking account is a big black void that not only looks back at me but makes these odd mewling sounds.
Thankfully the weekend is coming, during which I intend to continue to work my ass off on the same projects and enjoy my empty bank account.
In Honor Of The Most Bizarre Two Months Of My Life (And That's Saying Something), here's some nice thunderous old-school hard rock from their 1985 reunion album (yes, I'm a fuckin' hescher): here's Deep Purple - Knocking At Your Back Door. Rock out, children.
Say goodbye to my little friends. I'm scheduled to be cut next Wednesday. Read more...
This thread is the Metachat drinking game.
This thread celebrates mike's 1000th comment ... and doesn't know whether to be proud or concerned.
Photo Friday Themes Don't forget, you can post themes or theme ideas for Photo Friday on the Wiki (as well as peruse past Photo Fridays or add your photos to them.)
This thread thinks certain boys are not loavable any more.
"Man, I'm getting some amazing footage of this looming missile", "Can I get a Columbian necktie, please?",
and other famous last words...
So... I took the day off to spend with the mewly reconciled, rebuilt, chopped and channeled Pips. Asleep in bed, I got a call from Trishalynn saying "calling me if you wanna talk?" A bit baffled I kept sleeping. Later checking my email, trish informed me, that I (along with joe famous, my cubie kevin and her roommate jim) have BEEN LAID OFF! I should be upset but I'm not really. That job had turned two of my passions (music and computers) into something tedious. We'll be working till 6/30, then we get severance and since it's a layoff we can file for unemployment. Life is a cabaret. Who wants to get drunk?
This thread has trouble expressing it's emotions
Put away the chainsaws and bats. I just heard that my check is in the mail. I can pay my health insurance after all!
Question - When getting up from your table in a restaurant, do you turn your backside or your frontside towards the party in the table next to you? Explain.
Bunny wedding! OMG! - bonus bunny plays atari after drinking chocolate milk..... and OMG! chocolate bunny on fire. ...and I'm spent. maybe.
OMG New Job! Kind of.
Team Vag: Let's talk about makeup!
This thread has PMS.
Photo Friday 7 April: YOUR MODES OF TRANSPORT.
Why are Girls so loveable?
I have some really bad advice for you...
Captain Jack? Suggestions for things to do if one's plans should fall through tonight. Creativity encouraged.
i love all of you anything you want, i will give you..

if you join me..
This is a morning thread ...
Give It Up - Talk Talk Truly one of the great bands of the 80's.
Why does this song do it for me? It really shouldn't. It's kinda soulful, vaguely jazzy and a tad proggy...but somehow it works. Much better than a similar effort by say, Steely Dan...

My only complaint is Mark Hollis' slurry vocals.

OMG BRIDAL BUNNY!!! (When they started lettin' gays marry, I knew someday it'd come to this, damn kids...) Read more...
this thread has insomnia

06 April 2006

Irresistably Redolent of Crocuses. Because it's springtime.
post by: killdevil at: 23:15
New game for us to play It's called Cliff, Sex, Marriage.
I'm trapped. In the web of love.
Radio, and other sounds to listen to. IRC as usual.
I'm back from the NYC Agro meetup. The pics are downloading. Will post soon.Read more...
I think "Talk" by Coldplay is a great song Read more...
Where is your name in literature? For example, I'm reading Dan Fante right now, and one of the characters has my last name (a fairly uncommon one). What books have characters with your name?
Private Torrent Trackers? Anyone? I swear I'd share with you guys if I had access to one!Read more...
Rockin' Radio Mudpuppie. Short set, from 6 - 7 p.m. Pacific.
post by: mudpuppie at: 19:12
I Really Care All the beautiful bunnies are in IRC. You're not ugly, are you?
This thread can beat up your thread.
Did you mean 10 Jubilee Crescent, Aymer, QC, Canada? I will be living there for the next couple of months in a tent. By the water. With my guitar and my head. It is about time! Freddom!
Autoimmune Spondyloarthropathies From your friendly neighbourhood spiderman research cetacean.
It's here! And it's orange! Thanks for the Buddha Box post, crunch!
Out of curiousity about how long can a woma(n) live on a diet of bread and water before it started doing something nasty to them?Read more...
Asheville National Meetup, a.k.a. Bunnystock This is the thread about the possibility of a national Mecha meetup in Asheville, NC. Read more...
OK, trying again not to scare the bunnies. Is this cute?
Pop Quiz
Cascarones por la vida 2006 You can't make an internet without breaking some eggs. No bunnies, though.
Reminder: NYC minimeetup for agropyron at Rudy's tonight, starting 'round 7 Wanna hear something else that's funny? Drinking Liberally is going to be there, too.
Equine Assisted Coaching. "In Equine Assisted Coaching you will work with Linda-Ann, a skilled life coach who, with the assistance of a carefully chosen horse, will guide you in the process of self-discovery and a creating a greater sense of awareness of your behaviors and beliefs. You cannot change something you don’t see! This powerful process will help you gain clarity and create a new alignment of your vision and goals for your life or business." Um. Yeah.
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis theeeeeeeeeeeee slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww mooooooooootiiiiiiiioooooooooonnnnnnnn threeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd
So yeah, that client I fired?
To make up ...
Boys Beware. One never knows when a homosexual is about.
Can y'all bear with me for a moment while I ask another dumb-ass computer question?Read more...
This thread's fly is down.
I hate firing people
This thread has something on its face.
Time stamp weirdness Why is MeCha's time stamp out of sync with the actual time? My clock now says that it's 14 minutes past the hour.
YOU'RE THE BEST! AROUND! This is an explicitly chatty question, ergo it goes here:Read more...
Why are boys so lovable? (Yeah, it's a posty morning.)
NYC -- What's the word for tonight? Are we all still meeting up with Agro?
Want better eyesight, but can't afford that costly Lasik surgery? Do it yourself, in the comfort of your home.
The PATH is the most ghetto train ever. Apparently, when the door breaks, they don't take it out of service & fix the door. No. They just put up a sticker saying, "Sorry, this door is out of service." WTF, Port Authority?

What does your public transit service do? (Also, why does New Jersey smell funny?)
Juggling Video -google video- Beautifully synced to music. 4 min. long and more fun than working.
Switching Off - Elbow It's late, I'm tired and vaguely unsatisfied somehow. Something tells me this song will make a fitting lullaby.

Elbow plays Seattle on 4/11. I'll be in the back singing badly and blinking back rapturous tears, I'm sure.

Good night.
Radio Kenko From midnight to 3am PST, brought to you by the lovely folks at stanford. Thrill! to the sounds of Lou Harrison, the Stanley Brothers, and Pierre Vervloesem!
post by: kenko at: 00:49
Three Years If I ever have a relationship that makes it past that disastrous three-year mark, I'll throw the biggest party anyone has ever seen.Read more...

05 April 2006

Radio LT - Um, Because it was availyable? come listen, kidlets!
Pit Bull Mothers New Kittens -- read the story; watch the video.
Music Help - Eine Kleine Nat Musik? (paging agropyron) Read more...
Waaaaa! I want to read metachat at work But the picture at the side isn't easy to disguise.

Is there any way to disable the picture, or even set MeCha to a more plain layout?
Radio Mike. Starting in a few minutes and running until I go to bed or someone wants to take over. Just a random selection of my iTunes 5 star songs. Also, we're in IRC. Why aren't you?
This Will Be Our Year. A live cover of a Zombies song, by Quasi. For anyone who wants it.
Exposure .
tags: poetry; linkingtoafriend; whaddayathink; christinarossetti.
For nomis. A warm fuzzy to offset the OMG! pics.
This is an invitation for my new IRC friend to introduce herself and start posting here. She says she's shy, so it may take some prodding. Won't call her out by name out of respect. But come on, y'all, make her feel welcome.
So what's keeping you awake at night these days?
OMG! BUNNY! *hides*
According to google I've invented the Destructive Commons License, just now. It's exactly the same as a Creative Commons license, except derivative works must cause some kind of permanent damage to the creator's culture. Read more...
Rain, rain, go away, dammit. Music to ward off the interminable rain we West Coasters have been suffering. Starting at 1:30 Pacific.
Two Big Thank Yous! to Anonymous & to, I think, cmonkey - Thank You! Read more...
I hope ...
Three-Point Status Report: strangenesses. a) I have a spot that won't go away. Tonight I will try cortisone creme on it.
b) Today I fought with phpBB at work.
c) Activism: Half of me agrees with something and the other half doesn't. Ever experience this?
Add another MeCha to the wishlist delivery brigade! Thanks cmonkey!!!! So weird that it worked out to be this week! :D I now have much needed bedtime reading material.
My lunchtime fortune cookie said, "You are working hard."
You, From A - Z A meme for a Thursday afternoon. Read more...
GTD Prayer If you don't already know what Getting Things Done is, you probably won't think this is funny. (via 43 Folders)
Corona If I ever get married again, I want Calexico to play at my wedding. In full Mariachi band costume.
This week's Photo Friday theme? Did we decide?
My fishie isn't eating. I think I may have killed him.Read more...
This week has been a meatgrinder and it's only Wednesday. Some serious Dirty Business going down at home, at work, and even elsewhere; I think it's all sorted now but I've kind of forgotten how to relax. I'm tense out of habit, and it's awful.

So I Ask MeCha: How do I relax? (So far, this is helping.)
Chicago! Don't Be Weird! With the metafilter lurker who stopped me to say hello (did you say hello?) on the street last night please tell me who you are! Come on! Introduce yourself proper! You were a short haired lady with a nice bike and a friend who was laughing his haunches off.
Dear New Yorkers, why is it snowing?!
VanityPalooza: Our new band shots! Paul Natkin, former Rolling Stones photographer, did our band pics (no brick walls - just a drop cloth) and I must say, they look great. I wanted to share. I'm the dork in the cowboy hat.

What is the first recorded instance of someone complaining about "kids these days"? I assume it's a sentiment that stretches back well before recorded history.
Ask Mecha: I want to watch the Amazon Sales Rank on a particular book over the next few months. Anyone know if there is any way to do this automatically. I'd love to be able to set up a web page with a rolling Sales Rank Chart.
BP Radio: Classical edition A re-broadcast of my mostly-modern classical set from last week, playing now.
All Strung Out Over You - The Chambers Brothers I bought the album this is from after The Chambers Bros. played Bumbershoot a few years ago. A friend of mine was really excited about it and I hadn't a clue why. So...

I argue that this song sports the best use of cowbell, EVAR.
And there are handclaps!

where is the quality control?
So, did you ever get that horrible feeling?

04 April 2006

I am happy to announce
This thread is so confident, it's almost smug.
GO TERPS! I love women's college basketball.
So I thought that interrobang's thread was awesome. But now I want to know what art folks around here like that isn't as traditional as painting and sculpture. Got a favorite piece of performance art? Aural Composition? Experimental Film? Art types I haven't heard of? You will tell me now!
Favor - Cover Requests [+]

I'm not really gone But I haven't been around a lot lately, and I wanted to pop in and say hello.Read more...
This is my hello thread. Hi!
Why do people hate each other? Why war so consistently? Is it a man thing?
NCAA Metachat Pool Results! Good game everyone; congrats to our winner.
Totally random radio. It may be kooky! It may be wacky! Who knows what you'll hear?! Not me!

Starting on the hour (6 Pacific).
post by: mudpuppie at: 19:19
Amazon's "Statistically Improbable Phrases"
This is my goodbye thread...
In honor of Frisbee's pic nad the MeChatters in General: We got the bottle, you got the cup, c'mon everybody let's get...
I'm Going to Opening Day to see the Giants and the Braves this Thursday! Yeeeha!
stupid pet trick.
What are your's?
Self-pity. I almost never allow myself to indulge in it. But today is a bad, bad day for me. Read more...
STEAK!! (youtube)
I'm in a bad, bad mood. So, I thought I'd play a few songs for you on metachat radio. Just because I'm in a grump doesn't mean I can't do something nice.
Reminder! NYC MetaChat Mini-Meetup in two days. Thursday, April 6, 7:00 pm at Rudy's. I think most of us know what the others look like. Is there a specific place in Rudy's we should try to settle?
the TEA BREAK. Twice a day, all work stops and they actually ring a bell and there is a TEA BREAK at my new job..?!!Read more...
The Wishlist Monkey is at it again! I opened my door this afternoon to find a familiar brown box, but couldn't remember what I could have possibly ordered...Read more...
what you planting to eat this year, kids?